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Hey guys! What's up? How have you all been? I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long! I'll try to post more :)

Harry has recently been modeling for different magazines. Hes been super proud of himself on trying new things in his photoshoots. Hes actually felt comfortable with himself more and more recently.

He went out to get the mail from his and Louis' mailbox and he saw the magazine that he was in. He excitedly ran inside to show Louis the magazine.

He ran up to Louis and said "Lou! Look my magazine came in!"

Louis smiled fondly at his boy and gazed at the cover of the magazine "oo I see that, baby! You look so handsome."

Harry blushes "Thanks, Lou!

Louis kissed his cheek "you're welcome." With that being said, Louis walked into the kitchen to make some lunch so they can eat while looking at the magazine. Harry is so giggly and excited to look through it. Louis has already told him that he can look through it without him, but Harry keeps refusing.

Once lunch is done, Harry rushes to the table to sit with Louis so they can look at the magazine. They started flipping through the pages looking through the pages looking for Harry. Once they found one Harry gasped and smiled huge because he looked so confident in himself for the first time in a long time.

Louis kissed Harry's head and said "I'm so proud of you, Hazza. I cant wait until we can come out to the world and I can tell the whole world you're mine." Harry smiled "I cant wait either!"

While they were looking through them, Harry smiled to himself realizing how crazy social media is going to be over these photos. Also thinking how much the fans are going to freak out over his outfits.


Hey guys! How are you all doing! I went on a little break, but I should be back! I came back to almost 3K reads! That's insane! Thank you guys so much for adding this to your reading lists, I see them all in my notifications ❤ you guys mean the world to me! I'll see you guys all again real soon! Treat People With Kindness ~ Anna❤

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