{chapter 9}

46 6 1

2628 words

-anxiety; worry
-a matter of interest or importance to someone

17th February {pt.1}

Jin and I stepped into the cafeteria, his presence steadying my uneven heartbeat, calming me down a little. We soon began to walk towards the back corner of the cafeteria where Yongi had said to meet them when we were talking last night. 

As we got closer I began to hear what could be described as a heated argument, I guess.

"Ryan has a cute round face though" I heard one boy argue.

"But Kumamon has little rosy cheeks, he's clearly superior"

The ridiculous argument continued as we got closer to the table. Hoseok watching in amusement and the Taekook couple oblivious, as usual, in their own world. Thankfully, the table the boys had chosen to sit at for the past day or two was far enough away that no one should hear their childish argument.

"I think you will find Mario's superior in every way" Jin interrputed from beside me, the Ryan-lover then going peculiarly quiet.

Whereas Yoongi just mumbled "Kumamon is better" whilst pouting ever so slightly, making my heart ache. I really can't believe how soft and childish these 'Bad kids' are, honestly.

Soon Yoongi turned to me, his eyes almost lighting up slightly as he smiled. As he took my tray and placed it down on the table I noticed him looking at my clothes and couldn't help but mentally thank Jin although I'd never admit that out loud.

"hey, you look nice Jimminie" Yoongi spoke quietly as I sat down next to him. Jin following as he took the empty spot the other side of me, subsequently, being directly next the Ryan-enthusiast who I'd now recognised to be Namjoon.

Wait Namjoon? Kim Namjoon! Wow, never would have expected that. Especially considering how much the tall, older boy usually indimitates me, without even trying.

"Well as the majority of you know, this is Jimin" Yoongi said, introducing me to the table.

"And these are my friends, unfortunately" Yoongi said, sighing, earning multiple protests from around the table.

"Jungkook, who you've probably heard of from tae" Yoongi started, pointing to Jungkook who was now smirking at a blushing Taehyung.

"Namjoon" he carried on pointing over, past Jin, to the boy who smiled at me. "And Hoseok, who you apparently already know" he finished.

"Hi Chim Chim!" Hoseok exclaimed, enthusiastically.

"Hi Hobi hyung" I replied, giggling slightly. Then seeing Yoongi looking at me, smiling slightly. Causing me to turn back, with flushed cheeks, to the other two boys who simply smiled and waved.

After a short while Yoongi turned to me slightly and whispered in a low tone "You okay?" To which I mumbled a yes whilst I nodded. He gave me a reassuring smile as he took my hand and began to rub small, reassuring circles into it softly with the pad of his thumb.

A random conversation started, in which I gave small comments every now and then. Focusing more on Yoongis comforting touch, enjoying it more than I should have.

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