{chapter 13}

46 5 5

1632 words

-touch or caress with the lips as a sign of love, sexual desire, or greeting

18th Febuary {pt.3}

"I'll start," Jin said grabbing an empty bottle from nearby and setting it down on the table in the middle of the sofas. The rest of us watched as the bottle spun. Eventually landing on Jungkook, Jin looked up to meet his eyes, the rest of us looking at the pair expectantly.

"Truth or dare Jungkook," Jin asked, holding their eye contact.


"Ugh that's boring" Hoseok complained.

"Hey I'm just easing us into the game" Jungkook replied defensively, Hoseok scoffing at his response.

"Oh, I know!" Jins face lit up when he thought of a question "When was your first kiss and the story"

On hearing his question Taehyung glared at Jin, shifting in his seat to look at Jungkook.

"Well, she was called Seoyeon and I guess we must have been about 12 or 13. We grew up together so we were really close and I guess we mistook our friendship for romantic interest. It was never anything serious, we were too young to understand those feelings in my opinion. She moved away anyway. About a year after, to Canda, I think."

My eyes were fixated on Taehyung as the others began to tease Jungkook. His body was closer to Jungkook than before, resting his head on his shoulder; I know Taehyung, he wanted Jungkooks attention. Reassurance I guess.

Noticing his actions Jungkook quickly spun the bottle, which pointed towards Namjoon, before he slipped an arm around his boyfriend.

"Truth or Dare Namjoon"

"Well if it's you deciding then truth" Namjoon scoffed.

"Yeah and I'm boring" Jungkook muttered "Describe your ideal type"

"Well," he said, pausing in thought "Someone whos confident and knows there self-worth, but would still want my attention and love, and who enjoys cooking so they'll feed me lots of nice food, but will want to," he said, smiling slightly.

I didn't miss the small glances over to Jin or the way his body had subconsciously faced him just slightly. The changes were unnoticeable to anyone who didn't know how the boy felt, but at this point, that seemed to be everyone but Jin.

"Just, someone who's really unique, like they would have the weirdest laugh that makes you laugh even more or would be really unpredictable or something little thing like that. Also, I feel like I always end up going after the people that actually make you go after them like the people that are difficult to win over but once you do there the most loyal, passionate person."

"That was detailed," Yoongi smirked, looking at Namjoon knowingly.

"Yeah, loads about personality but you didn't say anything physical. Whys that Joon?" Jungkook taunted, his eyes flickering to the older boy sat next to Namjoon, knowing the reason was that he didn't want Jin to be suspicious.

"Hey, you just said describe your ideal type so I did, that's what comes to mind first" Namjoon retorted as he leaned forward to spin the bottle, a slight blush rising on his cheeks. The bottle landed on Taehyung and Namjoon looked over to him."Truth or dare?"

"Dare" Taehyung grinned.

"Finally" Hoseok muttered, Namjoon and Jungkook glaring at him before Namjoon began to think about the dare.

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