{chapter 7}

43 6 6

1427 words

-having an affection or liking for
-affectionate; loving

16th February {pt.1}

After Yoongi left I picked up my phone and called Jin

"Jimin? Are you alright?" he said as he answered.

"Yeah, I'm fine it's just" I started to speak before u was cut off by Jin "What happened Jimin? Tel me." Jin said, a slight hint of worry creeping into his previously relaxed tone.

Sighing slightly at how overprotective he is, I sat down on the floor on the studio and prepared to answer all the inevitable questions that I knew were about to come.

"Well, I was in the studio rehearsing and when the song finished I turned around and Yoongi was in the doorway."

"What! Min Yoongi?" Jin spoke in a questioning tone.


"Are you okay?" he asked almost immediately.

"Yes jin! I already told you that I'm fine, please don't immediately assume the worst of him"

"I'm sorry Jimin. It's just he has a reputation, one that you can't just ignore."

"I know Jin. I know. I'm not stupid, I'm not disregarding it completely I'm just saying there's more to him. He's not just the schools bad kid, there's a person underneath all that. A pretty sweet as far as I can tell."

"Im sorry Chim, I know i can be overprotective of you sometimes. I just worry about you that's all."

"I know that, don't worry" I replied, a slight smile growing on my face at his motherly tone.

There was a short pause at the end of the line before Jins voice could be heard again. "Wait, are you still at the studio?"

"Yes" I answered, slightly confused.

"I'll be there in two minutes."

I was about to respond before the line was apprubtly cut off.

A few minuets later, as promised, Jin burst through the doors "Okay, tell me everything" he said grinning as he sat down on the floor.

"Oh my god your so extra"

"Yeah, isnt it amazing" he replied smiling.

"Well I don't know, he just kept saying really nice things and he somehow made me feel comfortable."

"Okay, one what nice things? Two, what do you mean, he made you comfortable?" Jin questioned, getting excited.

"Well he was complimenting me like he said he was a good dancer and stuff like like that."

"Okay" Jin said trying to hold back a smile "I'm warming up to the guy, I guess, now my second question."

"Well I guess what I mean meant was both that I felt comfortable around him quickly and he made sure I was comfortable."

"Yeah, how?" Jin asked.

"Well if you actually let me tell the story then you'd find out hyung!" I exclaimed teasingly.

"Sorry" he mumbled sheepishly.

"Okay so carry on where you left off."

"Well after he came in he was like you don't have to be scared of me, I'm not going to do anything."

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