{chapter 2}

91 5 13

2193 words

-the vapour into which water is converted when heated, forming a white must of minute water droplets in the air

-to become extremely agitated or angry

15th February {pt.2}

I leaned against the school gates as I talked to Hoseok as we waited for the rest of the guys. Fourth and fifth were pretty uneventful other than a few mild scoldings for talking to Hoseok, nothing major.

Once Namjoon, Jungkook and Taehyung were here we walked out of the gates, as we were approaching the small shop not to far from the school Namjoon spoke up.

"I'm gonna go get a drink any of you want anything?"

"An energy drink would be great, for practise please" Hoseok replied.

"Coke, please" I said as Namjoon looked over towards me.

"Taehyung?" Namjoon said, questioningly.

"I'm fine thanks"

"You sure? I'm going in anyway." Namjoon said, encouraging smiling at the kid, who just nodded meekly.

"He'll have some coke and so will I" Jungkook spoke up as he put arm around Taes waist and pulled him closer.

"Kook-" Taehyung whined but was stopped when Jungkook put a finger to his lips ad resting his head on his shoulder. I smiled at the couple, as Namjoon went into the shop for the drinks, Hoseok going with him. Taehyung was so child-like sometimes, just like Jungkook, they really were perfect for each other.

"Agh shit" Jungkook cursed to himself "I forgot my textbook in fifth, I'll be back in a few. Okay?" he said to Taehyung who just nodded and smiled as Jungkook kissed the top of his head.

I leaned back against the wall as I watched Jungkook jog off. I pulled my phone out and began checking my messages when I heard something that made my heart stop for a second.

TW - Homophobia, use of homophobic slurs and violence {if you want to skip go to next bold section of text}

"Hey f*ggot"

I felt my whole body tense up at those words.

"Fuck off Dohyun"


That was Taehyungs voice, I immediately snapped out of it, I had to do something. The guy seemed to have not noticed me leaned against the side of the shop because he carried on.

"That's not a nice way to speak to your hyung is it? Maybe if you suck me off real good I'll forget about it"  he said smiling sickly and grabbing Taehyungs wrist.

At that I snapped, all I saw was red as I stormed towards the pair. "DONT FUCKING TOUCH HIM" I yelled causing him to let go of Taehyung wrist in shock as I got closer eventually standing just in front of Tae.

I felt a hand on my arm holding me back. "Its fine Yoongi, leave it" Tae said wearily. "No Taehyung is not fine" I replied as I pulled my arm from his grasp. As I stood in front of him I began to recognise him, he was in my year.

I clenched my fists, opening my mouth to say more, but he just smiled smugly and scoffed, clearly recovered from his sudden loss of confidence a few seconds ago.

That small action sent me over the edge as I swung my fist for the second time that day. Shocked, he fell backwards, staying there for a few seconds before going to get up. Before he could finish getting up I swung again, this time aiming for his forehead, smiling to myself as the skin above his eyebrow split and I felt the warm blood on my knuckles.

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