{chapter 3}

78 3 6

1984 words

-disruption of normal social relations

15th February {pt. 1}

We were so young when we thought that we knew how to love

Fought about anything, everything led to dysfunction
But we just gotta own that shit
Don't let it go like this
Maybe we can go from this, yeah

A/N~This is actually a song from Jimins Spotify playlist and I thought it would fit with the story so :)

Slowly I walked through the gates humming lowly to the melody playing softly through my earbuds.

3 o'clock

The end of the day, finally, I had practise in 20 minutes (they give us that time to get anything we need like drinks and get changed) so I decided to walk round to the shop a few minutes away to get a drink.

After walking for about a minute I saw a crowd gathering across from the shop I was walking to. As I got closer took out my earphones, pausing my music to see what was going on, I had time anyway.

I reached the crowd and peered over a few heads to see no other than Min Yoongi right as he began to knee the other boy in the stomach.

He proceeded to pull the boy up to punch him again, as I saw his face I recognised him as Lee Dohyun. He was in Yoongis year and was one of the most terrifying kids in the school, other than Yoongi and his friends.

I watched as he fell to the floor clutching his stomach in pain, after a few moments he began to say something but I couldn't hear what he was saying.

I watched apprehensively as Yoongi grew visably angrier as Dohyun looked over past yoongi at something I couldn't see, smiling smugly.

Suddenly, yoongi grabbed his collar and pulled him up from the floor just to punch and kicked him over and over again before throwing him back down forcefully.

The boy lay there, clutching his stomach in pain as yoongi stood above him still furious. I wonder what Dohyun did to make him so mad. Yes, yoongi fought a lot but he looked like he wanted to kill the boy.

I was snatched out of my thoughts by a loud yell coming from yoongi "You had enough bastard!"

Hostility laced each sylabble, his voice dripping with rage as he crouched down to look Dohyun in the eyes.

I had to admit the aggression in his voice was really hot, like really.

I focus my attention back to the two boys in front of me, Yoongi still had a look of pure rage and was saying something to Dohyun that I couldn't quite make out.

I jumped, shocked myself, as yoongi yelled loudly "Do you fucking understand" getting up and kicking the boy one last time before turning around to look at the crowd of people that had gathered.

"Fuck off" he yelled, everyone quickly moving as to not anger him more. Myself choosing to walk across the street, carrying on to the shop to get what I wanted quickly as to make it back in time for practise.

As I crossed over the road I heard someone yell my name, I looked up to see Hoseok walking out of the shop I was heading towards with Kim Namjoon.


"Oh, hi Hoseok" I replied smiling. Hoseok was a dancer as well and we'd become quite good friends through us both attending the same dance classes.

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