One last time

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Hello lovely people! So here's the first story for my one-shot book of Vanossgaming! All Vanoss ships are welcome so are requests, so don't be afraid to msg me! ❤️ On with the story!

Pairing: Evan and Johnathan
Top! Johnathan
Bottom! Evan

Prompt: The last time that Evan and Johnathan make love to each other. They have a friends with benefits relationship and both promised to never fall in love with each other but Evan did, hence Johnathan found out and made love with him one last time before cutting their ties off.

Based off of the song called "Distant" by Eli
Play whenever you want (:


His rough hands caressing my face one last time. His hot breath against my thighs. I'm gonna miss this sensation.. "J-Johnathan" I moaned out as he pump my member gently. "S-stop teasing me and get it over with it!" I shivered. I was at the edge of letting out the tears I've been building up. "Suck" Johnathan told me, I opened my mouth and shove his fingers inside. I lick around his fingers "f-fuck Evan, that's enough." One become two, two became three. I whimpered as he whispers soothing words to me. After he takes out his fingers, he lined up himself to my entrance.

"One last time?" He whispered close to my lips as I felt his hot breath against my lips.

"One last time."

I repeated his words and smashed my lips against his as he thrust his member inside of me.

He took me where no one else can, it was a heavenly feeling. The tears came gushing out of my eyes as he kept on thrusting inside of me ferociously, not because I hate the feeling but because it was our last time to be together.

I'm gonna miss his smile, his face, his presence. "E-Evan I'm close!" Johnathan said startling me from my thoughts. "M-me too.. l-let's cum together?" I replied almost choking my breath. He nodded and went rougher than before and faster. My breath hitched

"J-Johnathan!" "E-evan!" We both called each other's name while ejaculating. He came inside of me as I came on my chest, he kept on thrusting one last time to fill me up to the brim. His member slipped off of my entrance as I whimpered weakly from the lost. We both tried to catch our breath but the feeling of ecstasy was too amazing. This was totally our last time being together, the last time to feel the touch of one another. I stared into his eyes while he stared back, I couldn't stop myself from saying those words. "I love you" I whispered to him.

He left after that, leaving me there naked and unaware of my surroundings. My vision all blurry from the tears I've been pouring out. Questions suddenly starts flooding my head, with the thought of being alone again.

"It's all my fault" I whispered to myself as the sun rose from the windows.

There there, welcome to the safe zone. We have cookies and milk. I tried my best on this first one-shot. There might be a lot of grammar errors, so please bare with me! I'm not really good with English since it's not my first language at all! Hopefully you guys like this first one-shot I made, I was on the verge of tears. There might be part 2 of this! Also bare with me with my upload schedule, I'll try to have a consistent schedule for you guys. As always, stay awesome ❤️

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