Master's maid

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(A request for abbyloveanime18 sorry for the huge delay! A msg from my co-writer at the end why, but please, enjoy! I hope you like it!)

Pairing: Evan and Nogla

Top! Nogla
Bottom! Evan

Prompt: Evan works in a cafe and his friend Nogla, hardly visits the cafe however surprisingly he visit Evan's working place and caught the little owl. Little did he know that Nogla has an interest in him.


Evan's POV

The bell chimes as someone opens the door to the Mail-Maid Café. I turn towards the customer after I finished cleaning an empty table. "Welcome sir!" I say, smiling bigger as I realize who came in. "Nogla! You're here today!" My good "friend" Nogla doesn't usually came to this café unlike other customers who came in daily. I walk towards him in my maid outfit, unlike wearing butler suits like most male cafés, this café is special where as we wear female maid outfits, it helps bring in more customers. "Hey Evan." Nogla says in his deep Irish accent. Not to be a creep but I find it extremely sexy.

"The usual?" I ask him, smirking. Nogla smirks back, "Yes, the usual." He says as he looks me up and down.

I turn around towards the kitchen to prepare his favorite drink, double chocolate with extra whip cream and a special desert. After I finished making his drink, I picked it up together with the desert and used my back to open the doors.

I made my way towards him while he lifted his head from his phone as I set his order down. "I didn't order this?" Nogla said confusingly. "Don't worry it's on the house" I told him while smiling. He smiled back at me before saying thanks. "Enjoy!" I made my way back to another empty table, continuing to clean it.

I saw Nogla making his way towards the cashier. I whipped my hands on my apron and made my way. "Thanks for the usual Evan! I'll be making my way now" he said as he handed me the money while smirking, however that smirk was different. It felt off, but I shrugged it off. "No problem Nogla! I'm happy that you get the chance to visit today!" I told him while smiling then taking the money from him. "Your always welcome here!" I add on.

After we bid our good byes, I continued to tend the customers. "Evan! Can you do me a little favor, pretty please?!" Juls, our manager told me. "What can I do for you Julie?" I told her while fixing the empty table.

"Can you please lock the café when your done with your shift? Because I need to tend my grandma at the hospital, pretty please?" She pled while making puppy eyes. I thought about it. "Sure" I told her. "Oh thank you, thank you! I owe you big one! I'll see you tomorrow Evan!" She said before leaving the café. I giggled by her actions. I mean what could go wrong?

I finally finished my shift and headed my way to the back. I already locked the front, now I need to exit for the back so I can lock it as well. As I was about to lock the back I heard a noise, I quickly locked the back door and checked out the noise. The noise was getting closer and closer as I spot an adorable kitty. "Aww! What's an adorable kitty doing here?" I purred. "I can't say the same to you" it replied. I was shock for a minute "y-you can talk!?" I told the cat. "Pfftt, yeah, look behind you." It said. I looked behind me and got scared by Nogla. "Damn it Nogla!" I told him while holding my chest.

"Sorry! It was too adorable that you though a cat was talking to you!" He said while laughing. "That's not funny.. I though I was actually tripping or the cat was magical.." I told him disappointedly. Changing the subject, I asked him what he's doing here. "I- uh.. I wanted to pick you up.." he said softly. "Aww, that's sweet" I cooed while walking beside him.

"L-look Evan, I uh.. have something to tell you" He said. I looked at him innocently. "What is it?" I told him, waiting for his answer. He took a deep breathe for a moment before telling me: "look, I really like you Evan. No, I love you so much that I want to protect you. You're really adorable and sweet. You always put a smile to my face everyday. You're pretty much my sunshine and I uh.. yeah." Nogla said while scratching his neck, his cheeks are flustered. "I mean, you don't have to retu-" I cut him off by kissing his lips gently. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

We stood there for a moment before breaking the kiss, he cupped my cheeks, then kissed my nose gently. "I love you too Nogla!" I told him happily. "You don't know how much I've been wanting this" I said, my cheeks are hurting from smiling too much, but I don't care because I am at my happiest state right now.

Nogla kept on thrusting his member inside of me. "N-Nogla! F-faster!" I told him and he went fast. I moaned louder when he my prostate. "T-there! Right there please!" I was a moaning mess at this point. He kept on leaving bite marks behind my back. He spread my cheeks for more access. "What a slut you are Evan..~" He cooed against my ears, then he bit it making me moan. "Who do you belong to~?" He said. "Y-you" I whispered. He growled lowly and repeated his question. "Who!?" He growled. "I-I belong to you! I'm your slut!" I whimpered. My tongue dangling from my mouth from the pleasure I'm receiving. "Good boy" he praised me. "I'm about to cum kitty" he said while picking up his speed.

"C-cum inside of me! Fill me up with your semen!" I moaned out. His thrust became sloppier, after three thrust, he came inside of me. I gripped onto the bed sheets making my knuckles white. He thrusted more, filling me up. 'God I'm never gonna get tired from this' I thought. After filling me up, he laid down beside me, giving me sweet kisses. I giggled, "I love you my whinny bing boy" I told him while kissing his cheeks.


I'm sorry for not being able to finish the story in time, and making it so late, I've had writers block for what felt like forever!!! And my living situation isn't really the best atm and to top it with a fVcking cherry some things happened with my family member and I've been to worried to write properly. And my depression has increased once again lol. I'm really sorry again, I'll do better for any other requests/stories the main writer needs help with. - co-writer

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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