🎉 Christmas Special 🥂

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Poly!bbs and Evan

Prompt: While Evan is preparing food for Christmas, the bbs are running around looking for the perfect present for their little owl since they forgot to buy him one.


"You idiots! How can you forget today's special day!" Tyler screamed. I don't know who but I can hear a lot of footsteps shuffling around downstairs. "Lets go! Lets go! We still have a lot of time" Brock huffed.

After that the last thing I heard was the door being locked. I picked up my phone and checked the time; 9 am, what the hell are they doing up so early. That's when my eyes landed on the date. No wonder they were shouting and blaming each other. It's 24th of December, I guess its time for me to go grocery shopping while they're gone. I felt strong arms wrapped around me. I looked to my right and giggled from the sight. A messy grown handsome man staring back at me, "Good morning beautiful." He said with his husky voice, "Good morning Jon" I replied then gave him a quick kiss before standing up.

I was wearing Jon's big shirt that stops on my knee and Tyler's boxers. "Where are you up to?" Jon managed to say while yawning. "Just getting ready to go grocery shopping" I said while picking up my towel to do my business in the bathroom. "I'll join you" Jon said.

I was skimming through the cans section to look for sauces for my pasta, while Jon is standing from the cart with his phone out. I'm planning to cook white pasta or fettuccine Alfredo. I found cream of mushroom but it's too high, I heard Jon laugh and grabbed it for me. "Next time just tell me, okay?" Jon said while smirking. I stuck my tongue out and laugh "Shut up! Thanks" I told him while blushing.

Jon helped me carry the groceries while I set up my ingredients. Mushroom, check. Bacon, check. Ham, check. I think that's all I need. Oh of course! And the pasta. Great! I'm ready to start cooking while I set up the oven for the chicken. Jon helped me cook the pasta and set up deserts.

After cooking, Jon prepared the table, putting fancy plates and utensils. He took out Jack Daniels out of our cubby. I heard the door open and I checked the time, 11 pm. Dang I didn't know we were cooking and preparing for that long. I saw Tyler holding something behind his back while everyone doing the same thing. Jon looked with a 'really dude?' face. It was amusing to see my lovers try to act cool.

After I wipe my hands on the towel, I told them to get ready and wash their hands to eat. I each gave them a peck on the cheek. "Mmm! Smells good!" Lui said in his squeaky voice. I giggled "dig in!" I told them and they enjoyed each and everyone's company.

The room was filled with laughters and jokes. My cheeks hurt from smiling at the sight I'm looking at, my lovers all have a joyous look on their faces. After eating I was washing the dishes and Jon came up behind me hugging me from behind leaving soft kissing on my neck, "They're calling you, it's time to open presents my little owl" Jon whispered against my neck. "Tell them to wait, jeez" I giggled while finishing washing the last plate. "Alright, be there by 5" Jon said before leaving the kitchen.

I wiped my hands on the cloth hanging by the stove before going up the stairs to grab the hand made presents I've made for my lovers.

"Evan! Evan!" Lui called out in his squeaky voice while I sat down beside Jon. Lui hand me his present, "Thank you Lui!" I told him while giving him a peck on the lips, he blushed. I sat back down and opened the present, I giggled from it. Lui gave me gummy worm printed socks! I showed them and I giggled then thanked him again. I love it. After giving out each other presents, I received a collar from Jon with an owl and others gave me different type of accessories, I love them so much. Now it's time for me to give my presents.

I each gave them a hand made box, took me forever to make those together with the content of it. But I had fun. They looked at me with an intriguing face. I told them to open it. They held up each of their necklace with their favorite animal dangling from it. They all went up to me and thank me for it while hugging me, leaving kisses on my face to my neck. I giggled from the tickles it created. Suddenly Nogla raised his hands up while I follow his hands til he stop and he was holding a mistletoe, I blushed and everyone smirked. I huffed and sighed in defeat while giving each of them a loving, passionate kiss. I looked at them "Merry Christmas you goof balls!" I told them while smiling, spreading my arms wide for a hug.

This is the best Christmas ever.


Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have an awesome blast tonight! May you have a merry day and loads of presents to receive! Every gift is a blessing and hard work from that person in order to get them for you ❤️

As always! Stay awesome ❤️

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