One Night Stand

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Pairing: Evan and Ohm
Top! Ohm
Bottom! Vanoss

Prompt: Ohm goes to the club for his friend since they invited him, specifically a gay club and there he meets Evan, things started getting heated when they laid eyes on each other.


Ohm's POV

I was sitting down on my couch, bored as I scroll through my Instagram feed. I was looking at different types of fan art of me made by my lovely followers. I can't believe they made this! Its so awesome how they put their time and effort on doing this, how they magically work with their hands on doing a piece of art! (😏 hehe, no..? Ok) Its really admiring. As I kept on scrolling through millions of fan art, Luke texted me:

Luke= BitchBoy
Ohm= JudyhOppin'🐰

BitchBoy: Hey man! Come and join us at Creamy club! Have fun with us. There's a lot of hot babes you can smash with.

JudyhOppin'🐰: Luke you know I'm not into girls right?

BitchBoy: I know you aren't, I wouldn't be inviting you if you are gay in a straight club or what ever. Now get your bunny ass here! I'll be waiting. If you don't come, I'll be Judy hOppin' your ass.

JudyhOppin'🐰: Jeez alright, alright give me 20 minutes and I'll be there.

BitchBoy: That's more likey

I read the last message Luke sent me and chuckled. (No, it's not gonna turn into Ohmtoonz) I went upstairs to the bathroom and did my business after that I went to my bedroom to pick out my outfit. I put on a black t-shirt and a black and white flannel with ripped black jeans. I wore black socks together with my black and white vans. I checked myself at the mirror "Hmm.. I look pretty decent" I ran my hands through my hair then grabbed my jacket on my bed. I went down stairs to my kitchen and grabbed my car keys on the isle. I went outside, closing my door locking it.

I walk towards my grey 2019 Dodge Challenger then went inside, starting the engine "Up for a ride? Heh.. me too" I told my car. (No not an ohm x car moment pls)


I arrived in Creamy Club, the music is so loud you could hear it from miles way. 'The line is long, good thing I have a VIP pass for it' I thought to myself as I pull out my pass and showed it to the bouncer then he let me in.

The smell of strong alcohol and different perfume surrounds the whole cub, from a distant I could see my friend, Luke, he's taking to a stripper he's small compare to Luke. I walk towards Luke bumping into different people "sorry" "excuse me" I told them on the way. Luke saw me on the way and waved at me, I waved back. "My man! Glad you could join us" he said, the male beside him giggled and shook my hand "Hi nice to meet you, I'm Johnathan! Welcome to Creamy Club~" He told me smirking. "Uh nice to meet you I'm Ohm and thanks" I replied smiling. 'He's cute, but not my type.'

The lights suddenly dimmed too hard to figure out who's face is who's. "Oooh~! It's Evan's turn!" Johnathan said. I looked at him as his eyes sparkle with adoration 'hmm.. seems like he adores this Evan so much. How good could he be' I thought as I focus on the stage. There, my heart suddenly felt like being pulled out, I can suddenly feel my pants tighten. "Holy shit.." I whispered under my breath as I see the Canasian walking towards the pole swaying his hips seductively.

He saw me staring at him suddenly smirking at me, I blushed hard and my pants gotten tighter 'that fucking smirk is going to be the death of me' I thought.

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