The kind I like

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Pairing: Evan and Jon

Top! Jon
Bottom! Evan

Prompt: Jon is the most unwanted criminal in Los Santos and he's hosting a party for his criminal buddies in his house located in the forest. In that party, it includes drugs and strippers. Jon knowing he has a great friend who owns a strip club, asked for the best strippers they have.


Jon's POV

Tonight I'll be hosting a grand party at my place. I already sent out invitations to my buddies. "Craig! How many times am I going to tell you to stop eating those food!" I yelled at him. He just looked at me and disappeared instantly while giggling. I shook my head side to side, "It's gonna be a long night" I told myself. I heard the door opened and saw Luke, my second in command comes in, "Hey Jon! We got the drugs you needed!" Tyler, my third in command, said. "Good job boys, just stack them in the isle" I instructed them. "You got it boss" Tyler joked. I chuckled, now what I just need are strippers. Luckily for me I know a great guy who can provide me for those.

I dialed my friend, Driodd.

"Hola delirious, what can I do for you?"

"I just liked to know if you could provide some fine ass stripper of yours? But don't you worry I'll pay for their shift"

"Hmm.. I'll see what I got for ya"

"Thanks man, I'll be needing them before 6 to set them up"

"Alright, I'll send them to you adios"

I hanged up and clapped my hands so loud together to get everyone's attention. "Alright! Lets get this party movin'!" I shouted and my crew cheered.


We finished setting up everything we needed. We dimmed the lights a little bit to add an aura. Now I'm just missing the strippers that I asked for, I heard the door bell rung. 'Speaking of the devil' I though while walking towards the door. I opened the door slowly and there I saw 5 strippers in total but what caught my eye is the smaller figure behind them. "Welcome! Come in. I'll tell Brock to guide you where you can set up everything and change privately" I told them. They all nodded and went inside, including the small figure. 'He's cute..' I thought to myself. "Brock! Please guide these pretty ladies and gent where to set things up and prepare." I told him. "You got it boss" he said.

I looked at my watch, 4:30 pm. 'One more hour' I thought to myself.


Music blasting and people laughing around is all you can here and the crowd cheering from the entertainment that they're receiving from one of our strippers. I mentally fisted bump the air for how this party is going so far. "Hey, Hey Jonathan! This is an awesome party dude!" Jake said while walking over here holding a drink. "Thanks man, glad you came" I told him while smiling.

I was looking around from my balcony and I saw a glimpse of the small figure. 'It wouldn't hurt to invite him, or maybe even get a private show from him' I smirked to myself and went down the stairs looking for the small figure. As I was walking towards the crowd, I bumped into him. 'Ahh' I thought to myself. "S-sorry!" He squeaked as I caught him before he fall down. "Don't worry about it cutie" I smirked at him while he blushes.

"T-thank you, my names Evan" He smiled sweetly. "Jonathan" I told him. We talked and talked for god knows how long until I pulled him to my room.

I pinned him against the door, while locking it. "J-Jonathan~" he moaned out while I suck on he neck. "Call me Jon, baby" I cooed. He was a blushing mess. I held his hands guiding him to my bed. I sat down and put Evan on my lap, he wrap his arm around my neck. I held his cheeks (not those kind of cheeks you pervs.) and he purred, I chuckled and whispered to him "may I?" (consent is kinky..) he nodded slowly. I leaned my head to his while he did the same, our lips almost touching then I closed the gap, it was the most sweet and tender kiss. I tilted my head to the left to deepen the kiss. It became a heated make out session.

I slipped my hands on his shirt while he moaned out. "J-Jon~" he moaned. God the way he moaned my name, turns me even more on. I carried him and slowly laid him down on my bed. He wrap his legs around my waist and started grinding, creating a friction. "I wouldn't do that if I were you" I slowly growled against his ears making him shiver. He still continued to do so, "and what would happen if I do~?" He cooed. "heh, your testing my patience little one" I bit his neck causing him to moan.

Thrust thrust thrust...

"F-fuck! J-Jon, t-there! Hit there!" He moaned out. "Where? H-here?" I teased him by missing it. "Fuck Jon! Stop teasing me~" he whimpered. I finally hit his prostate causing him to moan like crazy. He was a mess at this point. "J-Jon I'm cumming!" He moaned out. "Hold it a little longer baby" I cooed against his ears as I picked up my pace. I held his tip to stop him from cumming first. After three sloppy thrust I finally came inside of him while I let go of his member causing him to cum as well. "F-fuck!" I growled while biting his neck, probably leaving a bruise at that point. I looked at him, admiring the work I've done. I laid down beside him while he scooted over to me, snuggling his head on my neck. I chuckled deeply, "sweet dreams little one."


Finally finals are over! Sorry if it's a little bit short! I hope you guys like it (: ❤️

Bottom!Evan One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now