Blood Water 💦

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Author's note: hey guys! I'd like to just warn you guys that this chapter might have extreme smut (: so please be ready! I wrote the smut part while listening to the music I provided for you! For better experience while reading it of course heh! I warn you guys! It might not be extreme from your point of view, however from my view it is extreme hot kinky smut :^). So you have been warned!

Pairing: Evan and Johnathan
Top! Johnathan
Bottom! Evan

Prompt: Johnathan is a psychotic serial killer and he's in love with Evan and Evan is in love with Johnathan. They're in a relationship right now. Johnathan broke into Evan's house (nothing new) giving him a surprise present then escalated quickly into a kinky heated sex.


Johnathan's POV

I was excited to see my baby tonight! I'm currently walking down the street on my way to Evan's house, smiling while holding a surprise gift that I'm going to give to him! Some people say our love is toxic, I say y'all are just jealous my relationship with him worked out unlike yours! So back off haters. I see Evan's house from a distance. I started sprinting behind his house, carefully remembering the gift I'm giving to him. I climbed a tree that's next to a window in the hallway and jump off the tree into the window then landed inside. (Insert roblox dead sound "00f") I slowly put down the gift and wiped off the leaves on my shoulder then dust off my shirt. I walked to Evan's room and gently open the door and saw Evan still sleeping cozily, I smiled at the view. I walk slowly towards my little owl and shook him. "Hmng.." Evan groaned in his sleep. I chuckled "wake up baby owl, I have a surprise for you~" I cooed. I saw him slowly opening his pretty amber eyes, "Good morning sleeping beauty" I told him. "What time is it Jonny?" He said huskily, "time for you to get up, love. I have a surprise for you~" I snuggled into his neck while he moans. "What is it~!?" He said happily.

"Close your eyes first!" I instructed him. "Awww c'mon!" He whined "do you want the surprise or not?" I teased him while chuckling. "Fine~!" He said while covering his eyes with his hands. I picked up one of the chopped off heads inside the plastic I was carrying. "Open your eyes my little kitten" I told him while holding the head. Evan took his hands away from his eyes then smiled brightly. "Awww~ thank you Jo! I love it so much, I'll put it with my collections~" Evan said while blushing. "Anything for you love~" I cooed.

3rd POV (please bear with me. It's my first time doing 3rd POV)

Evan grabbed the head from Jo's hands then dipped his hands on the blood, putting it on his own lips then Evan grabbed Jo's collar down from his shirt and kissed him. Jo was confused for a bit until he realized what Evan did, he kissed back however, hungrily. This turned Jon on madly because of his kink. Jon climbed up into Evan's bed without breaking the kiss. Evan dropped the head on the floor and ran his fingers through Jon's hair earning a moan from the dominant.

Jon licked Evan's lips for permission but the little owl refused to tease him a little bit. Jon bites Evan's lips, he gasped letting Jon have the opportunity to slip his tongue inside his mouth. Jon's tongue explored Evan's wet hot cavern while Evan became a moaning mess from the kiss. Jon began palming Evan, while Evan tilted his head to the left a little bit to deepen the kiss. Both tongue danced in sync, fighting for dominance, of course Jon won. They broke the kiss leaving a string of saliva connected to their tongue, saliva dripping on their chins. Both staring at each other with lust, Evan licking his lips while Jon groaning from the scene. Getting impatient, Jon ripped open his little kitten's shirt earning a gasped from his baby.

Jon unzipped Evan's pants, licking his lips. While Evan bites his lips. "J-Jonny~ too much clothes" Evan whined. "Shh, getting impatient are we?" Jon chuckled darkly sending shivers to Evan's spine. "Says the one who ripped my shirt open all of a sudden" Evan backfires. Jon bites Evan's neck hard, leaving a bruise. The sub whined from the pain, Jon kept on leaving bruises into Evan's neck and chest, kissing them after. "Such a beautiful sight under me" Jon said making Evan blush. Evan wrapped his legs around Jon's waist rubbing their erections together. "J-Jonny hurry up~!" Evan said growing impatient. Jon groans from the friction, "I'm going to f-fuck you raw, once I get inside of you, I won't stop~" He whispered to Evan's ears leaving him a blushing mess.

Evan's POV

Jon rammed himself inside of me without warning. "J-jo! F-fuck! How big is that thing~!?" I screamed moan. "Big enough for you to handle baby~" He cooed into my ears. "F-fuck Jon move!" I told him as I tighten my leg's grip around his waist to go deeper. "F-fuck Evan, you have no idea what you do to me..~" He said. Jon took out his member then rammed himself back inside of me. "Fuck Evan your so goddamn tight!" Jon said, he kept on abusing my hole, changing positions. Jon put my legs on his shoulders while holding my leg, spreading it more and deepen his thrust. "F-fuck Jon! Right there fuck! S-shit!" I was a moaning mess at this point.

He kept on hitting my prostate making me go crazy. He switched our positions again, him laying down while I'm riding him. I went up and down meeting with his own hard and deep thrusts. Precum dripping down my member and my hole. "E-Evan I'm close!" Jon moaned. "M-me too!" I said while moaning. Jonathan change our position one last time, him carrying me while I wrap my legs around his waist. He pinned me against the wall, thrusting his member inside of me in an incredible speed. I left scratch marks on his back. His back is probably bleeding by now but he doesn't care because the pain is being replaced by pleasure. "F-fuck I'm so close- s-shit shit shi-" Jon got caught off by his orgasm. "J-Jonny!" I came after him on my chest.

Jonathan bit my shoulder causing it to bleed while thrusting slowly inside of me to make sure that I take it all in. I panted like a dog. Jonathan went to my ears and whispered, "round two~?"


Oh my gosh, I finally finished it. I need to grab a lot of tissue now. I'm probably gonna die from blood loss. I hope you guys like it!
Also! IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT I will be changing my update schedule due to school and other things, so my new update schedule will be Friday and Sunday! So please provide me more ideas ((: don't be afraid to request! I'm happy to receive one from you guys! And I'd be glad if you guys vote as well! 💗

As always, stay awesome! ❤️

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