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Priya's P

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Priya's P.O.V.

"Rahul!" I shoot up from the bed, panting and I was covered in sweat. I close my eyes and calm myself when I realized that it was just a dream.

It was just a dream, Priya. It was the same dream on repeat, again and again.

I look at the clock next to me and it read 3-o-clock. I throw the covers off of me and head towards the balcony. I stare out into the city and wrap my hands around myself.

I made a huge mistake by kicking out Rahul from my life and now I was repenting it. We could've had the perfect life. Maybe, our daughter would've still been alive. We could have had our own little family.

But it was too late now. He's moved on and I had to move on too with Varun.

I sigh and head downstairs to get some warm milk so I'll fall back asleep.

"I know I messed up, okay? Just don't let this get to Dad or Rohan Bhai," Rahul talks on the phone.

I quickly hide behind the wall. What was Rahul hiding?

"I know. I know. I just can't believe Raghu would do that? He's been working by my side since I've been working in this company."

I furrow my eyebrows. What did Raghu do? Raghu was one of the company's accountant and he took care of all of the financial aspects of the businesses that Rahul took over.

"Just please, please don't let Dad know. I know he's going to be so upset with me," Rahul begs to someone on the phone.

Deciding that this was the best time to talk to Rahul, I head into the living room. "Is everything alright?"

Rahul jumps back a little, startled by my presence. "Yeah." Rahul goes back to typing on his phone.

I sigh. He wasn't going to tell me what his problem is on his own so I have to take the initiative. "What did Raghu do?"

"Were you spying on me?" Rahul accuses.

"No! I couldn't sleep so I came down and I heard you talking on the phone," I explain. "Now, tell me, what did Raghu do?"

"I don't have to tell you anything."

I sigh. I guess I have to do this the hard way. "If you don't tell me, then I'm afraid I have to go tell Papa that something happened with Raghu and I'm pretty sure he'll get it out of you."

Rahul tightens his jaw. "Fine. You know that Raghu handles all of the financial stuff for the tenders that we put into the contracts. But he leaked our tender to our rival company."

I gasp. I really thought Raghu was a nice guy and he had helped Rahul a lot when he first joined his father's company. "I can't believe he would do this."

Rahul nods. "I have no idea what to do." Rahul pinches the top of his nose.

"I can help if you want," I suggest. I really want to for Rahul and for Papa.

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