Translation, Please?

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In which Free De La Hoya meets Lui Shirosagi for the first time, but neither have any idea of what the other is saying.


The WBBA is crowded with Bladers from all over the world who are excited to be at the world tournament, and everyone is exploring and introducing themselves.

Well, everyone but me. I'm just waiting for Kris to come back from wherever she wandered off to. Lucky for me, nobody's really interested in saying hi to me, so I don't have to try and make small talk.

At least, I don't until some Blader I don't know spots me and struts over. Anyone in his way scrambles out of it with a fearful shriek. As he gets closer I take note of some features just in case he becomes a recurring figure- but even if I didn't, I doubt I could forget someone as flashy as he is.

Light blue hair that stands up like a fire, purple eyes and a Cheshire Cat smile, razor-sharp teeth and all. He also has a nice boa that Deere would like a lot.

Then he starts talking, and I realize I have no idea what he's saying. It goes, "something something something, Free De La Hoya, something something."

He keeps going from there, putting his hands on his hips as he does. Soon after he pulls out a Beyblade and I think he introduces it to me. I don't know, all I can catch is "Kon'nichiwa" and "Luinor."

I study the Bey for a moment, tilting my head. Kon'nichiwa Luinor, is it? Looks powerful, I wonder if it will be a match for Fafnir?

I pull out my own Bey and show it to him. He grins, showing off his teeth, and goes on another tangent. Whatever it is he's saying, it does have something to do with Fafnir. I hear him say it twice before he starts laughing like a maniac.

Who is this guy, anyway? He's so weird... And a real chatterbox. Wonder if anybody's ever told him to shut up. I feel like if they did, they're not around to say so anymore. Because he killed them.

He keeps talking and talking, then eventually he goes quiet and looks at me. There's a pause, and he smirks and says something in a questioning tone, I guess. Another pause. He finally starts to frown, raising an eyebrow and asking me something else.

I stare at him for a few minutes, then I just decide to ask, "What?"

He blinks a few times, then asks back, "Nani?"

"I can't understand you, so..."

He looks genuinely upset, going off on another tangent. When he remembers the language barrier, he tries to communicate through a single gesture, which is him swooping his hand through his hair. I don't get it at first, but then something in my mind connects it to "going over your head," and I nod at him.

"Ahhhh," He groans, smacking a hand to his forehead.

"You did your best, I guess?" I shrug. "What was your Bey's name? Kon'nichiwa Luinor looks like it might be able to give Fafnir an okay fight."

He stares at me like I said it wrong, but I don't think I did.

"Kon'nichiwa... Luinor?" He shakes his head and starts telling me something, then speaks slower a second time, "Rosuto Luinor."

"Rosuto Luinor?" That doesn't really sound any better, but he nods in approval.

"Hai." Then he goes off of another little spiele, then he finally leaves. I sigh, slumping against the wall.

"That was the worst conversation I've ever had."


How it went through Lui's point of view...

I search through the crowds of Bladers gathered at the WBBA until I finally spot the top-ranked Blader. There he is. Time to introduce myself and let him know what he's in for.

I stride across the room towards him, and a path clears for me. Free watches me approach, wearing an impressive poker face that even I can't see through.

"So, you're Free De La Hoya, huh? I'm your worst nightmare, Lui Shirosagi!" I put my hands on my hips. "I'm sure you're the top ranked Blader in the world for a reason, but make no mistake, I'm going to crush you and snag the title in no time flat! You're nothing more than an ant to me and my partner."

I pull Luinor from its case. "Say hi to Lost Luinor." He studies it for a moment, then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out Drain Fafnir, showing it to me. I grin and say, "Drain Fafnir in the flesh. It looks even weaker in person! And it can't even drain a left-rotating Bey's energy, can it? The world title will be mine in no time flat, and Fafnir will be a pile of dust on the world stage! AH HA HA HA, HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!"

When I finish laughing I close my eyes. "I wonder if you'll really be as good as they say? Will you and your pathetic Beyblade even be able to keep Luinor and I entertained, or will all the pomp and circumstance have been for nothing? I can't imagine you're really worth the effort, I bet you just have a few lame tricks up your sleeve that helped you hang onto your rank as long as you have. Well, I earned my title and it was no accident. You're looking at one of the Supreme Four of Japan, and of course, one of the Big Five of the world! I've climbed the food chain and wiped out anyone who stood in my way without breaking a sweat! Even Shu Kurenai fell to his knees before me, crushed like a bug! Xander and Zac the Sunrise? Not even worth the trouble! Don't worry, though, I won't be so merciful as to just push you down a rank or two, I'll be sure to throw you all the way to the bottom! You'll learn to fear my name and you'll quake in fear every time you hear it! I'll destroy your Bey so it will never spin again!"

I open my eyes, looking to see he hasn't even blinked. I wait for him to reply, but he doesn't say anything. "What's the matter? Too afraid to even say anything in defense? If so, you're even more pathetic than I thought!"

Still nothing. I frown, raising an eyebrow. "Uh, Free? Aren't you going to say anything? It's no fun trash talking someone if they don't even look offended."

He stares at me for a few more minutes, then he finally speaks. "Qué?"

I blink once. Twice. Three times. Then I ask, "What?"

He says something else, but I have no idea what it means. I crease my eyebrows, frowning even more. "Do you mean to tell me that this entire time you haven't even heard a single word I've said? Not even a bit? Have I really just been talking to myself this whole time?" I huff, muttering, "You can't even understand me right now, can you? Uhm..."

It's stupid, but I don't care what these other Bladers think. I swipe my hand over my head, trying to communicate "going over your head." It takes a few tries, but he finally comprehends it and nods.

"Ahhhh," I groan, smacking my forehead. He says something in response and shrugs, but all I manage to understand is him saying, "hi Luinor."

I can't help but stare at him. "Hi... Luinor?" Does he actually think my Bey's name is Hi Luinor? What is this, Hello Kitty? I shake my head at him. "No, no, no, that's not my Bey's name. It's Lost Luinor."

I look at him, repeating it slowly even though he's supposed to be, what? Three years older than me? "Lost Luinor."

He stares at me. "Lost Luinor?"

I nod in confirmation. "Yes, very good. I'm glad I don't have to waste any more of our time, just- I'll see you in our upcoming match. I'd say "get ready" but you don't even know what I'm saying!" I glare at the floor as I leave, muttering, "That was the worst conversation I've ever had."

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