You're Still Awake, This is Your Life

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In which we see result of the choice to keep the Requiem. (Try to Wake, Try to Escape timeline. Alternate continuation set nine years after the You Are Awake trilogy. Inspired by Fran Bow.)


The house was quiet and dark, the lights all off and the curtains drawn close. Nothing seemed to live in the house except for memories that would never be again, and lost hope for the future.

A young man with snowy white hair slowly opened the door, looking through the house and letting out a soft breath. He must be upstairs... He thought, pursing his lips and stepping inside. He shut the door behind himself, slowly approaching the staircase and climbing it. As he drew closer to the top floor, he could hear rushing footsteps and a frantic, frustrated voice spitting profanity.

The young man walked down the hallway on the top floor, reaching the only door at the end of the hall and, when he found it was locked, gently knocked on the wood.

There was silence for a moment, then the door unlocked and was pulled open, but the occupant of the room was already back to searching for something. The white-haired young man looked around the torn up, messy room and let out a surprised breath.

"Fubuki, what are you?..." He looked to the blond-haired Blader in question, who spared him a quick glance before returning to his search.

"The police report." Fubuki answered, sounding short of breath.

"The police report?" The other echoed. "What do you need it for?" He paused, then he let out a soft sigh and took a few steps closer to the blond. "The crash wasn't foul play, Fubuki. It was an accident."

"You don't know that, Suoh." Came the vehement hiss, just like always.

"Actually, I do." Suoh replied calmly. "The police have done the investigation and deduced that your father had fallen asleep at the wheel and crashed. There would be no way for it to be foul play without sabotaging the car, and the police found nothing had been tampered with."

"That's because they weren't looking hard enough..."

"And how do you intend to prove that statement? The police report-"

"Said everything you just did, yeah. But it had the autopsy results, and I can swear it mentioned something about a foreign substance in his lungs, or nostrils? It was... Hard to focus on when I first read it, but I know it was there!"

"Fubuki Sumiye." Suoh called in a concerned and authoritative tone. When the blond turned to him, wearing a somewhat startled expression, he placed his hands on Fubuki's shoulders. "I know this has been hard for you, and I know you don't want to think it was his fault, but framing it as murder will not bring your father back."

The two stared at each other for a moment, then Fubuki scowled and stepped back. "It was murder, Suoh! And I know who can find the evidence I need to prove it!"

Suoh pressed his lips together as Fubuki began searching around his desk, muttering to himself. "Where did I put it? Come on..." He ducked under the desk, then he snatched something up and stood, immediately shoving what he grabbed into Suoh's hands. "Read it."

The white-haired Blader looked to the newspaper in his hands, reading the page. "Hmm... They're having a parade to celebrate our world champion."

"What?... Oh, right. Check the other side."

Suoh flipped the paper over, reading the text. "Ah, I see. Shu Kurenai, the Sherlock Holmes of Japan. As it says here, 'his detective work is unlike anything seen in our world so far'."

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