Incorrect Quotes Volume Two

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In which we see more incorrect quotes from the Beyblade kiddoes.


Wakiya: "One time Shu and I were in the middle of a science exam, and he was really struggling because, you know, the teacher is shit at teaching."

Wakiya: "Halfway through, he taps my shoulder. I look over, and he has three huge freaking pills in his hand. Before I can ask, he just tells me, "Wake me up when the skeleton war begins," and downs them dry. Only five seconds pass and then he CONKS onto his desk."

Wakiya: "When the teacher took him to the nurse it turned out he took the kind of pills you'd give a horse to make it sleep. This concerns me on so many levels."


Daigo: -Looking at himself in the mirror from afar- "!!! Cute today!" :3

Also Daigo: -Looks at himself in the mirror up close- "!!! Ugly always!" >:0


Fubuki: "One time Suoh fell asleep in between classes, and I, being the good friend I am, tried to wake him up so he wouldn't miss the next class. He woke up for only a split second, and he hissed at me."

Fubuki: "So I just left. He missed the rest of school."


Evel: "Once, there was a lull in the Dread Tower and everyone was just bored. Nothing interesting was happening, so I decided to make something interesting for myself. After all, I always wanted to try classical conditioning for myself, and that was the best time to do so."

Evel: "So, every time I saw Hyde I would have him give me a hug. After that, I would give him a roll of Rolos, his favorite candy. For the course of a week and a half I continued this until he associated hugging me with something that made him happy. Then one day, he tried to hug me and I wouldn't let him."

Evel: "I must admit, it was a bit disheartening to see how his world instantly crumbled when I did. But it was also amusing to see how he got confused, wondering why exactly he was so disappointed that he couldn't hug me."

Evel: "Basically this was just my excuse to make him always want to hug me. I'm very satisfied with the results. And speaking of which, whenever Kyle hears Kerbeus burst, he gets an awful taste in his mouth that can only be fixed by a breath mint."

Evel: "Whether or not I decide to give him one is purely dependant on my mood. It's just a nice bonus to beating him in battle."


Kurt: -Recording himself on his phone- "So, when I woke up this morning it was a scene straight out of a romance novel. It's a beautiful day outside, flowers are singing and birds are blooming and all that. I'm cuddled up with my boo, he's still asleep, so I thought I could be all cutesy-sweet and wake him up by kissing his face."

Kurt: -Points the camera at Theodore's face-

Theodore: -Snoring softly-

Kurt: "I kissed him three dozen times. He's still asleep."


Phi: -Knocks Valt over- "That's called boy tipping! HAW HAW HAW!"

Valt: -Starts crying softly-

Shu: -Apparates behind Phi and kicks him in the back of the knee, sending him to the ground with a loud crack-

Shu: -Leans close to Phi's face as he suffers- "That's called BITCH TIPPING. Ha. Ha. HA."


Richard: "Yo, guys, do you know how babies are made?"

Joshua: "Of course! Here's how it goes, your parents make a wish and in a faraway, magical land, that wish turns into a plant. That plant grows and blooms and it turns into a diamond. Then when the diamond is ready, a stork comes and carries it all the way to your parents. When your parents get it, they have to pray for the diamond to turn into the baby they want and kiss it three times!"

Joshua: "That's how my parents made me!"

Richard: "Whooooa!"


Free: "My parents had sex."

Joshua and Richard: oAo


Bisuke: -Mockingly- "Grrr! I'm Kurt! Me neanderthal who hot for pretty, smart man! Me don't want help from Bisuke to learn what he like in a man! Me think I can woo smart man all alone!"

The Underground Bladers: -Laughing hysterically-

Bisuke: -Mockingly- "Grrr! I don't realize I make pretty, smart man unhappy when I flex muscle and flirt dirty! Me just hooting and pounding chest like neanderthal! Grrr!"

The Underground Bladers: -Suddenly stop laughing-

Bisuke: "... He's right behind me, isn't he?"

Kurt: "Yes."


Bisuke: -Mockingly- "Grrr! Me Kurt! Me no take advice from anyone no matter how right they are! Grrr!"


Hyde: "I swear to Hades, I will put anyone in a choke hold for half a sandwich. Try me."



Hyde: -Trembling- "I-I can't-"


Xander: "Shu's behavior as Red Eye was completely unacceptable. I must cut him from my life and end our friendship."

Xavier: "??? But you're writing 'Mr. Xander Kurenai' in your notebook?"

Xander: "Irrelevant."


Violet Eye: -Singing- "I'm! Too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt, too sexy!~"

Gold Eye: -Singing- "You're! Too ugly for my eyes, too ugly for my eyes, too ugly!"


Daigo: "In France, we don't say, 'I love you,' we say, 'Je veux déchirer votre corps et dévorer ton âme.' It means, 'You are my breath, my heart, my source of life,' and I think that's beautiful."

Mary: "Um, but that means, 'I want to rip open your body and devour your soul,' Daigo..."

Daigo: "Ugh, Mary, you ruined the surprise!"

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