Shocking Chatter!

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In which Theodore is conducting another experiment to try and read Pokemon thoughts, but as he's about to give up Joshua's need for attention leads to a bit of a shock. (Pokemon AU.)


"Alright... Experiment seventy-six is now underway..." I murmur, resetting the computer program I'm using.

"Empol." Norman- my Empoleon- huffs impatiently.

"This will be the last one for today. Probably the week." I tell him, receiving an approving grunt, then Norman watches as I attach the sensors to different parts of his head. The point of it is to pick up his brain waves and translate his thoughts, but so far is hasn't worked at all.
Norman just hates the experiments because it cuts into our training time.

"And now..." I tap on the keys of my laptop, entering the code into the program. "Tell me what you're thinking, Norman."

"Pol." He huffs again, and I glance at the laptop to see if anything is changing... Nothing.

I sigh softly, then I feel something tugging at my pant leg. "Raichu."

I look to the floor and smile a little, greeting. "Hello, Joshua." I reach down and pet him behind his ears for a moment, then I turn back to the laptop and Joshua begins tugging on my pant leg again. "In a moment, Joshua." I sigh, and he just keeps prodding and tugging.


"I guess the experiment failed again." I tell Norman, then I turn to him and begin plucking off the sensors. "You aren't purposely withholding your thoughts, are you?" He just stares at me and I groan softly. "I wouldn't put it past you..."


"In a moment, Joshua." I shake my head at my little Raichu's clingy antics, reaching up for the last sensor.

"Raiii... CHUUUUUU!"

Norman and I cry out in pain in alarm as who knows how many volts of electricity shock us as Joshua uses Thunder Shock to get his way yet again. Then I hit the floor, groaning in pain as I look up to where Joshua stands. "I so regret teaching you that move..."

He simply smiles, crossing his arms proudly. I sigh again, closing my eyes. Why did my only electric type have to be such a diva?... Wait- oh, Arceus! I quickly yet painfully push myself up despite my muscles still spasming uncontrollably, yelping out. "N-Norman, a-are you okay?!"

He groans, sitting up slowly and flexing his wings experimentally. "Empol, pol..." Well, I'll live, but Josh might not.

I blink a few times, then I rub one of my ears to make sure it's not on the fritz or anything and look around. "Did you hear that voice?..."

"Empoleon..." I didn't hear anything...

"There it is again!" I gasp, then Norman makes a face at me before shooting a glare at Joshua.

"Pol, poleon!" Good going, Pidgeot-brain, you fried his brain so badly that he's hearing voices!

I look to Joshua, watching him pout. "Chu!" Did not!

My eyes widen as I realize what's going on, then I turn back to Norman. "H-Hey, Norman, say something! Anything!"

He begins to look worried, grunting softly. "Pol... Pol?" Uhm... Training?

"Training! You said training!" I shout, glancing between my two incredibly freaked out Pokemon. "I can understand you both!" Their eyes widen and I scoop Joshua into my arms, cheering. "Come here, you mad little genius!" I press a kiss to his head, laughing triumphantly.

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