Two Sides of One Coin

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In which Shu lives a double life. By day he's the quiet prodigy whose parents are constantly overseas- and by night he is a master criminal, feared by the whole underground but completely unheard of by police. After all, how do you hear of something that nobody knows about?

Rantaro Kiyama lives a single life. He's simply a popular guy in Shibuya High School who never leaves you hanging, and never to want to go home...
When Shu comes to Shibuya High for his schooling, what will change in Rantaro's life? (They're both sixteen. Check the external link for Shu's affected voice.)


"You have everything packed for your first day back to school, right?"

"Yes, ma'am." I nod, keeping my gaze focused on my feet.

"And your clothes are clean, right?" I nod again. "Good. I'm proud of you for remembering on your own, sweetie." I look away as she cups my face in her hands, cooing softly. "You're growing up so fast... It makes me so sad. It makes me worry that you don't need me anymore..."

"I do..." I lie softly, my gaze flickering up to her as she smiles brightly.

"I'm so happy to hear that. I'm all you need, right?" I look away again, still feeling my stomach twist at the thought of lying about that... She quickly grows frustrated and I flinch a bit as she hisses. "There is nothing your pathetic father could give you that I can't, Rantaro!"

"I-I know, I know, I just-"

"No, I know what your going to say." She mutters. "I never meant to hurt you that day! You're the one who wouldn't move!"

"Wow, mom..." I murmur, glancing at her as the anger and insanity leaves her eyes, then she sighs softly and pulls me into a hug that I could do without.

"I'm sorry, sweetie. I just... Don't understand why you have to be like this." After a moment she pulls away and kisses my forehead. "Go ahead and go to bed, okay? You don't want to be tired at school tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am." I murmur, walking away the moment she lets me go. I go downstairs to my room, shutting and locking the door behind me before heaving a heavy sigh. I lean against the door for a moment before I go to my bed and lay down, closing my eyes and waiting for sleep.

It doesn't take long, but it also doesn't take long to wake up again either, my internal alarm ringing softly and calling me to alertness.

It's still dark out, but that's because it's only 2 AM. I always get up at this time to go train with my Bey, Roktavor, because that's the only way I can train.
My Dad gave me Roktavor, so I'm not allowed to battle with it anymore. I could battle if I got a different Bey, mom says, but Roktavor is my partner and I refuse to give it up. It's all I have left of Dad...

I shake my head and force myself to focus, getting dressed in my nighttime disguise before grabbing Roktavor out of my secret compartment under the bed. Then, I get my body double (some weird paper mache thing a classmate made for art class and didn't want afterwards), laying it on my bed and pulling my blanket over it. Mom can't ever get in my room, but I don't wanna take chances...

When that's set up, I grab my launcher and phone, putting them and Roktavor into my pockets. Lastly, I go over to the basement window (because my room is the basement) and pop it open, slipping it open and climbing out. I tug the curtain closed, then I lower the window until it's only a crack open.

Now I'm free to go. I push myself up, dusting off my pants and beginning to walk away. It's easy to jump the backyard fence, and then it's even easier to make my way to the Bey park.

I kind of have to keep my eyes peeled along the way, because the streets of Shibuya are dangerous at night. Lots of criminals are nested in this town... And partially because I would look like a criminal to anyone passing by, or in their homes. After all, a black, long-sleeved shirt, black pants, and a black cap? Not a comforting look.

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