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Jamie hadn't had another night like that since we stayed up talkin'. Every night at dinner if he was feelin' up to it Jamie would tell me about his good memories, funny stories from basic or stupid things he and other Captains and Sergeants did. Christmas Eve came and Jamie was very excited. "Are you almost ready, darling?" Jamie calls over the other room.

I step out into the livin' room in a nice light, almost grey, green dress, which had polka dots on the chest piece and was solid from the waistline down. "Yes, but I wish you'd tell me where we're goin'."

Jamie turns as I call out to him when he does I can see his shaved his mustache. He is also in a tux I haven't seen him in since we met, "my Lord. My dear sweet wife, you are a radiant image." I smile as Jamie pulls me in, "and we are goin' to do somethin' we haven't done since before we were married. Dancin'."

Jamie took me to the finest dancing club in our area, which to my surprise was in within walkin' distance of the house. When we get there the place is in full swing. Jamie and I begin dancin', starting with an upbeat song, spinnin', and twirlin' and laughin' up a storm. When a slower song comes on, Jamie pulls me in close to him, placin' his hand on my small of my hand, the other holdin' my hand, as I place my hand on his shoulder. Jamie still spinnin' me and at the end of the song dips me. After a few songs, I sit down and Jamie walks over to the bar.

"What do you say to a glass of champagne, my love?" Jamie smiles as he hands me a glass of champagne.

I smile up to him and accept the glass, but don't drink any of it. "Thank you."

"So tell me, do you like your Christmas present?"

I nod, "I love it."

"Well, hopefully, you'll love the one I give you tomorrow even more."

"I'm sure I will. I hope you enjoy your present as well."

"My dear, anythin' you give me after agreein' to be my wife is the just icin' on the cake."

"You don't mean that."

"No, I do." Jamie smiles, "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me."

I shake my head and stand, "I'll be right back."

"I'll be here." Jamie and I spend most of our night dancing. The next mornin' I wake up bright and early to make Jamie breakfast. Cookin' bacon and eggs. When Jamie walks into the kitchen he groans as he stretches. "Somethin' smells amazin' in here." Jamie walks up behind me, huggin' me.

"I thought you'd like a nice breakfast before we get to gifts this mornin'."

"A fine idea." Jamie sits at the table, after grabbing two plates and some silverware. After breakfast, Jamie and I clean up. Once everything is done we head into the living room and get ready to exchange presents. I had made Jamie a couple of shirts that fit him perfectly. "How did you find the time to make these while you were workin'?"

"If it is for you, I always have time."

"You are amazin'." Jamie stands and goes through his coat pocket, "Which is why I got you something very special." Jamie walks over to me with a small red box. When I open the box there is a wedding ring inside, a golden band with three diamonds in it. I look over to Jamie as he sits next to me, "I know you love your ring, but I wanted to get you a brand new ring, not one that's been worn by who knows how many people. And you can wear both, one as the engagement ring and the other as your wedding band."

I put the ring on my finger and look down at it, before wrapping my arms around Jamie's neck, kissing him softly. "I have one more present for you."

"Darlin' you didn't need to get me anythin'." Jamie shakes his head as I stand up and walk over to the side table we have in the room and open the drawer, pulling out an envelope, and handing it to Jamie. "What is this?"

"Just read it."

Jamie looks at me a little confused as he opens the envelope and pulls out the papers inside. As Jamie reads over them, the look on his face goes from one of confusion to one of shock and happiness. "You're... we're..."

I nod and smile as my eyes tear up, "Yeah..."

"You're pregnant?!" Jamie picks me up and spins me around, "this is the best Christmas present ever." Jamie leans in and kisses me before putting me down.

A Solider's Love (Mudbound Fan Fiction) Where stories live. Discover now