Chapter 10

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It was now the day for our self proclaimed investigation. Weiss and Ruby would head to the cct to check the Schnee Records for any other dust robberies or inconsistency's, Considering she's the heir it shouldn't be a problem.

Blake.. And sadly I can not join her as I'm not a Faunus, will be going to some white fang recruitment meetup to try and figure out what they are planning,
You know, the usual at beacon academy.

I will be going with Liam, He kind of overheard us seeing as he technically has to stalk us around, I will go with Liam to try and find out if my father is involved in this in any way possible.
I have a bad feeling about that...
Yang has an old friend apparently that typically knows everything that's going around Vale.

She's going to get information.

"Let's do this!" Ruby exclaimed as we were all about to cheer, "Yeah!"
Our attention diverted outside Sun was hanging from our window. "How did you get up there?"

"That's way I do it all the time"

I glared at him. "Your lucky I don't hit you off right now.." I growled at him, Liam was shocked, as was everyone.
"Soo are we finally getting back at that Torchwiq guy"

"We are going to investigate the situation.. as a team"

Blake motioned to all of us, But then Liam added in coughing "Plus me" we glared at Liam, cmon dude not helping here! Ruby continued to say we didn't wanna get friends involved,
Neptune's here.
Ruby re did the plan.

Suns going with Blake... damn.. Am I jealous? No way! No no no way she's already mine I don't need to be worried. Nuuuh uh.
We headed off to carry out our plans.. first I went to see Glynda personally. Despite what happened I'm sure I could get information.

I knocked on her office door with Liam there beside me. The door opened up fast and we were greeted by a shocked Glynda. "What... do you want"

"Information. Specifically on my father" she adjusted her glasses.

I felt tension, I also felt the sense I was being watched and I couldn't let that go so before we could continue I turned around. "Jessica reveal yourself!" I had felt this for a while now I was sure it was her.
She turned the corner clapping.

"Sorry babe, just here to make sure you don't dig for too much info" I rolled my eyes and looked back to Glynda, I didn't want to just discontinue our conversation like this but... "I.. Nevermind Glynda sorry for bothering you"

I walked up to Jessica with Liam following behind, I grabbed her arm and turned the corner. "I know your up to something Jessica and I will stop at NOTHING to prove that"

She growled pushing me harshly "doesn't matter, were marrying soon anyways right? Then there will be nothing you could do we'd be trapped within a contract" she winked then running off.

I turned to Liam. "(F/n) I'm sorry ab—"

"Don't be sorry, we just.. I.. don't want to find out the truth.." he looked at me questioning it as if to say why I don't want to.
"Don't you understand! I've been trapped within walls! Contracts binding it all"

I turned hitting the wall. "If I find out my fathers involved in this... it wouldn't matter"

I then looked forward again and continued walking. "But we can't let the team down either"
We headed for an airship to beacon reaching, once we got there radio came through.

"Everyone! If you can hear me we need backup"

"HEEEEELP" suns a bit of a drama queen if you ask me, we asked where they were, didn't wanna miss how a giant robot was chasing Blake and Sun! We made our way over to all the commotion. I manipulated ground to Slow him down a bit.

We managed to isolate Torchwiq and used the power of.. teeeaaaam wooork to defeat him, Blake slashed the  missiles in half and then Ruby and Blake slashed at the left, I helped, He punched Yang... Well let's just say I didn't realise just how strong she was.

Ruby And Weiss did a cute little power move. "I SHIP IT!"
Weiss glared at me, Some girl named Neo managed to escape with Roman... Weiss made a bad pun and... Sun and Neptune ditched us mid fight apparently.

Well thanks you two! Not like you guys were going to come along originally but on top of that you left half way... pft this is why you leave it to the professionals.
Blake ran up to me "Did you find any information. Kitten?"

I assumed everyone else had reported their then, "No... but Jessica was following me supposedly to make sure I didn't dig too far for information"

"(F/n) I think you should talk to your father and just ask him" I turned to unexpectedly see the own of that voice. Liam.

"Are you INSANE did you not hear what I told you earlier!" I was angry and yelling.

"You said if yourself it would matter if you found out! Cause your powerless when it comes to him"

I stepped up to Liam delivering a hard slap across his face. He continued. "He was right ya know? What he said about your mum... she was just being used and she's ruined EVERYTHING she ran away from her responsibility"

I was pissed. "Shut. Up"

He glared back "You we're right too huh, you are just a tool. A child created for the soul purpose of power.. just used to fill a role that your mother couldn't"

I was speechless I looked down, he had never spoken to me like that... Blake stepped in front of me. But I didn't let her speak for me. "Your unbelievable Liam... my mother had good reason to run away. I would've run away if!... I..f..."

"If what? Face it your just like your father, it's why your mother didn't bring you with her"

Everyone was astounded by this fight. I closed my eyes and opened them looking around to my team. "Wh... you... have... horns... a tail a..and wings?!"

I looked down to see a tail and wings, and saw a glimpse of horns. "Tsk So it's finally revealed"

Shocked I looked around and just ran.. my mums semblance...

Why would she hide this?

Something so important.. and Liam seemed to know! My father... truly.. is terrible...

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