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Olivia P.O.V~
Paul turns the tv on and all the memories that I have had with max and harvey and my other friends. The background music was 'one more day in love' by them. Soon the video ended and I was in tears "thank you so much" Leo and Tilly run over and hug me.

"We are all giving you your present later on with a surprise." Max said everyone nodded "ok ..." "but for now me and Emily our taking our bestie out" Jessica says. "Where are we going" "you will find out soon we just have to go to your house grab some stuff, ok" Emily said "ok"

"I'm coming over with yous" mum said. "Let's go" Jessica said. I hugged everyone quickly and Harvey walked us to the door. I give harvey a bigger hug. "Bye" i Said "Bye" he said.

Me Jessica Emily and mum run over to my house which was next door. Me, Jessica and Emily run up to my room.
"So what do I need?" "You need makeup and a cute outfit" Jessica said.
"Can I ask why?" "It's a surprise" Emily said. "Ok" I rummaged through my closet and got my makeup but couldn't find a nice outfit.

"Guys I can't find a nice outfit" I say "they're all gone"
"Oh really" Emily says
"Let's go shopping after we drop you makeup at mine" Jessica says
"Ok let's go"

"Mum we are going now" I say
"Ok bye sweetie"
"We're going down the street to Jessica's"
"Ok see you later" mum says
We walk out the door to Jessica's house. Jessica only lives 5 minutes away from my house we are all in the same estate. We had to walk past max and Harvey's house to get there. I walked a bit behind Emily and Jessica. Just to see Harvey wave out the window. I waved back and laughed. "Come on slow coach" jessica shouted. I run up beside them. "You still have a thing for harvey don't you" Emily said.

"No what makes you say that" I ask. "Don't mess with us we saw you stop and wave at him." She said. "Being friendly and he's my bestie along with yous max and Connor." "Stop denying it jones" Jessica teases.

We got to Jessica's house. "Hi mum" she said. "Hi girls" ciara said. "Hi" me and Emily said. "Happy birthday Olivia" she says. I hugged her and said thanks. We went upstairs and I set down my makeup box. "Can you tell me what your doing? I know yous are all planning something for tonight." I beg
"All you need to know is that your besties are staying at your house tonight ok" Jessica says "ok" we continue talking for a while. "Guys" Emily shouts. "What" I ask
" we forgot to go shopping" Emily says "oh no let's go now" Jessica says grabbing her coat. "Chill it's just a sleepover I don't need to dress up" I say relaxed. "Ehhh..." Emily stutters. "What" i say. "Trust me Olivia just do it" Jessica says "ok I trust you" I say.
"Let's go" Emily says happily.

We start to walk to the shopping centre. Which is not too far away.


Harvey P.O.V~
We went over to olivia and Connors house as soon as the girls left. We started decorating straight away. While Shauna made a few snacks. This would be the best birthday/house party ever. Woahh. I was having a wee party in my head.

"Max ...Harvey" Shauna shouts from the kitchen. "Yea" we run in. "I forgot to get plastic cups" "we will go to the shop and get some." Max says "yea" I agree. "Thanks boys will you get more drinks aswell" Shauna asks "yea" max says. "Be back soon" I say.

We started walking to the shop. When we got there, we walked past a clothes shop.

Max: is that the girls?
Harvey: yea it is
Max: should we go in
Harvey: we can't olivia is there

Jessica and Emily saw us and sent Olivia in the other direction. They came marching out of the shop.
Jessica: what are you doing here?
Max: hey baby
Jessica: hi babes
They say hugging.
Harvey: we are getting a few last minute stuff for the party.
Emily:what if Olivia sees you
Max: ehh
Jessica: it's ok we sent her to try something on
Harvey: ok we better go she's coming this way.

Jessica P.O.V~
Jessica: bye Harvey bye babes
Emily: bye
Max: byeeee em bye jess
Harvey: bye

Harvey and max take off with the stuff and out of the shop they went.
Olivia: who were you talking too?
She asked.
Me: uh no one.

Olivia P.O.V~
Lies I saw them talking to max and harvey but imma let it slide.
"I picked a cute outfit" i Said.
"Great let's go back to mine and you an try it on" Jessica said.
"Ok lets go" me and Emily said.

We started to walk out of the shop when two boys bumped into us they had a newspaper covering their faces. I knew who it was, they were wearing their own merch. "Hahaha" I laughed. Emily and Jessica tried to get me to keep walking. The boys kept walking. "Bye max and harvey" I shouted. "Bye" max turned round waving and shouted back. Harvey hit him on the back of the head and they ran. "Ahaha" I couldn't stop laughing. "So that's who you were
talking too" I continued laughing. Then Emily and Jessica just started to laugh.

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