39 💜💜💜

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Olivia POV-
"Whats that" harvey says grabbing my phone and laughing. "Give me my phone harvey" i laugh and struggle to get it off him. "Aw this is so cute" harvey says before i grab my phone. "Geez harvey" i get up off the bed. "Where are you going" harvey whines. "To the moon" i walk out of his room. "Come back" he runs after me, grabs me and turns me around.

"Harvey i have to go now" i say moving his hands off me. "Ugh do you have to" he yaps and follows me down stairs. "Well emily and connor are here so yea" i say ruffling his hair to annoy him. "Oi" he says walking into the living room fixing his hair. "Hey guys" emily says. "Hi you ready" i say. "Yea" connor and emily get up.

"Bye have a great day" i hug jess and max. "Dont i get a goodbye" harvey pouts leaning against the door. I stand on my tip toes and kiss him. "Yay" harvey laughs. I laugh and wave bye. Harvey grabs my wrist making me turn back. "..im going miss you" harvey smiles. "ill see you in 3 hours" i laugh and walk across the road home with emily and connor..

Harvey POV~
"Shes such a tease" jess laughs as i walk into the living room again. "Yea but shes my tease" i laugh. "Harvey no joke your going be lost these 3 hours" max says. "You havent left each others side in 1 year. Thats mad" jess says. "Wow" i was mindblown. Now that i think of it, we really havent left each others side. "Right we better get going" jess says getting up and holding maxs hands and pulling him up.

" bye guys have a good day try not to get beat up max" i laugh. "Cheers harvey" max says. I think i got him worried 😂. "Have a good day harvey" jess says going out the door. I heard mum and dad say goodbye to them. "Wheres your other half?" Dad comes in and asks. "Max oh he just went out the door" i act dumb. "Harvey" mum walks past saying. "Fine.. she went home" "aw you miss her" dad ruffles my hair and walks into the kitchen.

"Literally why is everyone touching my hair today" i mumble, fixing it. "What was that" dad pops his head in "nothing" i laugh to myself. I feel so bored without her here. Im going to tell her that, it will make her day.

Olivia POV~
Before we got into the house connor thanked me for covering for him. He is really lucky to have me as a little sis 😂. "Dadd" i walk into the living room to see dad then i run and give him a big hug. Ive missed him so much. He is  always on business trips so we barely ever get to see him. "Hello oh ive missed yous" dad hugs me and connor.

"We missed you too dad" connor says letting go. "Hi emily nice to see you again" dad hugs emily. "Hi" we talk with dad for about an hour catching up. Hes been to so many cool countrys ....WITHOUT US. "So wheres harvey did you to break up" dad asks. That literally broke my heart and my mum could even see the sadness in my eyes. "N..." dad interrupts me"well all good things come to an end" he says like it was nothing.

"We didnt break up" i say annoyed. "Oh sorry sweetie"  ay sure he is. He dosent like his daughter going out with boys 🙄 yet connor is allowed to have a girlfriend and knock her up and its perfectly fine... unbelievable. "Its fine me and emily are going to go get ready arent we"

"Eh.. yea" emily says. We go up to my room and start doing each others makeup and getting changed. "So this whole amy shit how you taking it" emily says doing my eyeshadow. "Honestly... im back and forth with it. She just gets to me sometimes and sometimes i just couldnt be assed even looking at her" i say. "what about harvey" emily asks.

"I really dont know. I dont want to ask him because it would be werid. His girlfriend asking him how he feels about his ex girlfriend and i dont want to know the answer anyway" im glad i got that off my chest. "Ask him as a bestfriend. And dont be scared of the answer. Your inseparable. This is the first time yous have been away from each other in the past year."  Emily says turning my spinny chair around.

"Thanks em. I needed this talk" i say. "Anytime olivia. Now open your eyes" emily says with her hands on my shoulder. "Wow emily how are you so good at makeup" i looked into the mirror. "It just comes naturally" emily laughs. "You girls look stunning" mum walks in.

"Thanks" we laugh. "Come downstairs for photos" mum says walking out again. I think she was in a hurry 😂. We walk downstairs and everyone was ready. "Why is everyone dressed up so formal?" Emily whisper laughs. I laugh aswell. "Right photos, photos" mum comes running down the stairs.


Olivia_xx: Out with the bestos 💖🙈(Emily_xx)

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Olivia_xx: Out with the bestos 💖🙈

Jessica_ly: fitt have a good time babes
Olivia_xx: have a good time with max 😂
Max_mills: im getting beat up but yous look 😊
Olivia_xx: thanks max xx
Harvey__mills: 😍😍😍😍😍
Olivia_xx: love ya xx
Emily_xx: "why we so tan ?  because we are so hot" 😂
Justconnor: 😏
Olivia_xx: 😂😂💗
Justconnor: ya forgot about the brother and the boyfriend *cough cough*
Olivia_xx: you know i love you all *wink wink* 😂

"Whos at the door" connor says. "Its probably harvey" i say getting up. As soon as i said that connor shot up and ran to the door. I think He had enough of the girl stuff. I dont know where the boys went to but mum was still running round looking stuff.

"Where are the boys?" Mum walks in and asks. "We have not a clue" emily laughs. "One of you text them tell them to come down. Dads in the car waiting." Mum walks out again. "Geez shes in a rush today" i laugh.

"Haha" me and emily sit at the table and laugh at there reaction. "Girls car quick" mum moves us out of the kitchen. "What about the boys" i say stopping at the door. "They are in the car come on" mum locks the door. Me and emily look at each other. "the little shits" we laugh. We get in the car and the boys were just staring at us. We looked at them like wtf and they bursted out laughing. I honestly  dont understand them. It wasnt a long drive till we got there.

When we got to the restaurant, got a seat and ordered our food. My dad decided to question us all. "So emily what month are you due" dad asks. "May" im just glad hes not asking me questions are i would of been out of here by now. "Harvey how did the tour go" dad asks taking a drink. "Amazing. Really good actually" he smirks at me. I tap him with my foot under the table. And he knew why.

"Did the rest of you enjoy the tour?"  Dad asks. "Yea" me and mum say. Finally the food came so i avoided most of the awkward questions. MOST. "So olivia and harvey have you  had your first kiss?" My dad just  had to didnt he. "Fuck sake" i mumble. "Can you get any more embarassing dad?" I put my head in my hands. Harvey and connor laugh.

"Obviously" connor laughs "..i guess you haven't seem her instagram posts" he finishes. "Shut up connor" i kick him under the table. He just laughs. Like im fine with mum seeing my posts shes cool but my dad is all like no your 5 you shouldn't be doing that or this. "You have instagram?" Dad asks surprised. "No dad im 4 years old. Its not really appropriate" i say sarcastically.

"Thats very true" dad says. I swear i could of pulled my hair out only emily saved me. "im going to go to the bathroom....you coming with olivia" emily stands up. "YES... i mean yea okay" i laugh as me and emily walk away.  We went to the bathrooms literally just to talk.

Sorry this chapter is a bit short but there is a huge thing going to happen very soon in this story. Thanks for reading xx

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