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On the bus I sat beside Harvey and Jessica and max were in front of us, facing us. "Olivia wouldn't get up this morning had to shake the life out of her." My mum says soo loudly to Sara. "Mum keep it down we have only been on the bus 5 minutes." I shake my head. Everyone laughs.

"I told you that you could sleep in I didn't think you would sleep in that late" harvey laughs. "Shut up harvs" I punch him lightly. Then I whisper in his ear "I will get you back .. tonight" "nah you won't" he teases. I grab his hand and flick it. "Ouch" he thought I was going to hold his hand ahah.

We were on the bus for a while now.
Then me and Jessica moved for a bit to talk  because we haven't really had a proper girl bestfriend conversation in a while. But before that I took a quick pic and sent it to max and Harvey then it ended up on Twitter 😂

 But before that I took a quick pic and sent it to max and Harvey then it ended up on Twitter 😂

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"Thanks Olivia" max shouts over. "Haha no problem maxi" I laugh.
Then me and Jessica have a conversation.

Jessica: it seems like we haven't talked in ages
Me: I know even though we talk everyday
Jessica: what's wrong with us (laughs)
Me: I know one we need more sleepovers
Jessica: definitely but we're on tour so it's basically a 1 month sleepover
We laugh.
Jessica: and one thing we have been lacking .....
both: gossip
We both laugh again.

"What are yous laughing so much about?" Harvey shouts over. "Nothing harvs" I shout back. Me and Jessica laugh again.
Jessica: so I take it your parents took the pregnancy okay?
I look at my mum who was sitting at the front of the bus with Sara and Paul. She smiles at me and I smile back.
Me: surprisingly yea
Jessica: that's good then
Me: I was so shocked about it but what can you do but support them
Jessica: Your right I'm just glad we are away from the drama
Me: definitely
Jessica: your dad went back to work I heard
Me: yea he did. We didn't get much time but I heard what I needed to hear
Jessica: that's good then
Me: what about us
Jessica: what do you mean
Me: we are dating twins
I accidentally scream
Harvey looks at me like what the hell and i laugh so much. Max was too busy fixing Dylan's hair like max what are you doing.
Jessica laughs: I think Harvey heard that
Me: oops
Jessica: (laughs) remember when we were little we said we would marry princes and that they should be brothers
Me: yea well we were sort of right luckily we both fell for twins .. magical

Harvey comes Over and kisses me on the check.
Harvey: now that's magical
He laughs
Me: Harvey stop listening In we're having girl talk
Jessica: yea Harvey go have a boy talk with the BOYS
We laugh
Harvey: you guys are mean

Harvey pretends to be upset.
Me: harvs We are sorry
I play along
Harvey: haha got ya
Me: you sure did
I turn round to Jessica we laugh and shake our heads.
Me: idiot
Harvey: That's it I'm getting you back ... tonight
Me: really whatcha gonna do
Harvey whispers in my ear "Payback time."
I whisper back "oh well see about that" then I kiss him.

Harvey goes back over to the boys and Jessica gives me the awwww look.
Jessica: can't believe how far we came.
Me: I know but don't make me cry talking about this.
Jessica laughs.
Jessica: let's go back to our boyfriends
Jessica laughs.
Max: no need the boyfriends are here
Harvey: max that's so cringy
Me: I think they heard you (I laugh)

Max jumps into the seat beside Jessica. Harvey in the sit beside me. Dylan and dobby in the seat opposite.
"So when we get there me and max have to go to the venue to practice and then the show starts then back to the hotel." Harvey says to me. Everyone was having their own little discussions.

"Ok so what do we do when you go straight to the venue" I ask.
"You can all go to the hotel then you Can  come to the venue just enough time to see us practice the last song" Harvey explains
"Oh goody can't wait to sit backstage with DJ DOBBY" I laugh.
"Oi I heard that Olivia." Dobby says.
Me and Harvey laugh.
"More like DJ drunk dobby" Dylan laughs. We all laugh.
"HEY just coz you weren't invited" Dobby teases
"I was but I couldn't make it coz I HAD IMPORTANT PLANS MY MY FAMILY" Dylan argues back
"Hold up you two I'll stop this argument. Dobby you were drunk yes and it was funny and you won't hear the end of it. Dylan didn't come and he told me why and I understand so STOP" I sit back in my seat and turn to harvey.
"You sorted them" he laughs. And so do I.

"You will all have to announce and video some bits" Harvey said
"Not a chance" I say
"Why not" Harvey smirks
"You ,you will either pull me on stage, hug me, push me off stage you know what you could do anything because your Harvey" i laugh.
"But I'm your harvey" Harvey blushes
"Stop it" i blush
"Haha" Harvey laughs then kisses me.
"I told you I don't want to interfere with you and your fans.. I'm here as your girlfriend that's watches backstage and enjoys" I say
"You won't and I want you too pleaseee" Harvey has the puppy dog eyes.
"Fine" I look away.

He turns my face towards him. For a kiss.  Just when we were about to kiss Dylan had to scream in are ears
"We're here". "Woahhhh" everyone starts screaming. Me and Harvey looked at each other and laughed.

We all got out of the bus and got our suitcases. We wheeled our suitcases into the hotel lobby full of max and Harvey fans. "Wow" I was so amazed and shocked. The hotel was amazing and the amount of fans woah. "I think we have company" Jessica laughed and walked with max. I cuddled Harvey because he was soft coz he had merch on 😂 no I wanted to cuddle him.... aswell.

"You might not see me for a while" harvey says.
"Why's that" I ask sad
"Have you seen the amount of people here with flashing cameras" he laughed. Paul walked up to the reception and got us all our room cards we couldn't really unpack and stuff coz we would be moving again soon.

Me and Jessica shared a room and that room was 'requested' to be joint up with max and Harvey's room and so it was. Dobby and Dylan were saying in max and Harvey's room. My mum was also in my room so that will be awkward if harvs comes in tonight. She will literally be staring at us till he leaves 😂. And Leo Tilly Sara and Paul are sharing a joint room aswell. So two joint rooms.

"Guess were roommates" jessica laughs
"Come on Marvey let's go party" we both sing and laugh
"Oh not yous too aswell. I take it you saw the fan accounts" max laughs
"We sure did." I laugh
We all walk up to our room and drop are suitcase off. Then max and Harvey has to leave for the studio. Paul was taking them.

Harvey walked into my room before he left to say goodbye.
Harvey: I have to go now Olivia
Me: aw okay I'll catch you later
Harvey: you certainly will
We share a cuddle and a kiss before he leaves. After I sat on my bed and scrolled through Instagram. "I like Harvey" my mum says walking into our room with Jessica.
"Yea so do I" jessica Said
"Olivia and Harvey are so cute together" jessica said.
"And they really love each other harvey is too good to her. He such a gent" mum says.
"Oi you have a husband and your dating my boyfriends twin so sshhh" we all laugh. "We heard your little convo before he left" mum tells me. "And saw" Jessica winks. Oh my life 😂

We sat in our room for a while and then me and Jessica decided to have and outfit change 😂Then Sara and Tilly walked in. "Do you want to go to mc Donald's before we go meet the boys?" Sara asks. "Yea" we all shouted. "Where's Leo?" Jessica asks. "He didn't want to be with all the girls so Dad took him with them." Tilly says. She is so cute just a little princess and so so sweet. 

So we all walked to Mc Donald's which wasn't too far from the hotel and got something to eat. We all came out full though. It was quite funny to be honest we were 10 times slower than going. Ahah. So my mum called us a taxi and took us to the venue. We got out and looked around then we went to meet the boys.......

To be continued as always 😂 thanks and enjoy xx

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