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livia P.O.V~
I walk into the kitchen to see Harvey surrounded by people. I try to get through the crowd but people kept saying hi and wanting to dance.
"Hey girl"
"Hey happy birthday"
"Your so pretty"
"Have a good time tonight"
"Let's catch up later"
Girls were coming up to me and swarming me with questions. It felt nice to be popular for once. I saw harvey doing his magic tricks. Really harvs.

I went off with the girls in the end and we danced, talked and had a few drinks. I went back into the kitchen to see if I could find Harvey. I needed to tell him how I felt. I decided that I need to. Harvey was in the same place. Only surrounded by a few boys.

Harvey still didn't notice that I was there which was annoying the hell out of me. It's like he is avoiding me for some reason. "Hey Olivia"
"Happy birthday"
"Wanna dance" the boys were asking me that got his attention didn't it.
"Thanks boys but ....." I looked at Harvey and he wasn't even looking at me ugh he was really pissing me off. "But yea I would like to dance." I Said trying to get his attention.

Harvey P.O.V~
"Wait Olivia" my heart was fading as she walked away. She turned round though and said "I cant wait harvey people are  actually acknowledging me. Something you don't want so we will talk later." Olivia just came at me with that.

I didn't mean to ignore her. I just was avoiding asking her THE question. All the girls with their makeup and short skirts but olivia looked 100x better in that dress.  I know that we both like each other but I am scared of what the universe will do to us. I am so stupid because now she's in there dancing with another boy, I guess that's what I get.

"Harvey why are you sitting in here and why is my sister fuming" I turn round to see Connor and max standing over me. "Just" "What do you mean just" max shouts. "Why is she pretending she is ok and dancing away when we saw her walk out of the kitchen" Connor says. "Shouldn't you be out there dancing too" "well no we can't because we are trying to sort you out" max shouts. "Right stop shouting max"
"I will when you tell me ....." max says before I cut him off.

" I love her. I was just avoiding telling her. I didn't mean for this all I don't know what it is that happened. When we finally got re connected we became best friends fast somewhere in between I fell for her. And now she hates me and I ruined her night because I couldn't tell her the truth. But I love her I really do" I burst out saying.

Olivia P.O.V~
I walk into the kitchen to get a drink with Emily and Jessica we did to much dancing ahah. We walk in to hear this ".... and now she hates me and I ruined her night because I couldn't tell her the truth. But I love her I really do" Harvey was saying to max and Connor. Max,Connor, Jessica and Emily just stare at me. Harvey has his hands over his eyes and leaning on the counter.

Harvey looks up to see what the silence was about. I just run out of the room. I am stupid I should of said something. I run upstairs to the bathroom coz my room was 'occupied' yes there really should of been a sign up. I run into the bathroom not to scream. Not to cry. But to smile at myself in the mirror my life has changed a lot I'm glad. it will hopefully keep changing with Harvey by my side. Im so stupid.

Harvey P.O.V~
"We all knew this would happen" jessica Said holding on to max.
"You have to talk to her" Connor said.
"Come on talk to her and enjoy the party" max said.
"Its time." Emily said
"Your right I'm going to talk to her" I run upstairs after.
"Good luck bro" max shouted.
I walk and sit down outside the bathroom door.

"Olivia are you in there"
"Yes harvs I am" she called me harvs that's a good thing.
"I need to tell you something" I say.
"I need to tell you something too" Olivia says "but you go first"
"Ok" I say.
" Olivia I'm sorry for ruining your night I didn't mean too and I know you heard what I said. That's why I was being an asshole I didn't know if I should tell you or not. I don't want our friendship ruined. And I just want to say that no matter what I love you." I finally said it. I'm so relieved.

Olivia P.O.V~
The bathroom door was open the whole time but Harvey didn't know because he had his back facing the door so I stood behind him and when he finished I was near crying "Oh I didn't know you were..." Harvey stutters. I just hug him tight and say "I love you too harvs forever and always"

"Really" Harvey asks kind of shocked
"Really" we are still hugging
"We should go downstairs and finish off this party the right way you know" I say laughing.
"Who said it's going to be any other way" harvey laughs back.
"Awwwww" we look over the balcony to see our friends looking up at us. We giggle and walk downstairs.

"Ready to have the best night ever" harvey asks.
"It already is" I say and he blushes. So cute.
We go back into the room were 'DJ DOBBY' is and start dancing. Harvey went up to him and said something he must of requested a song.

Harvey Runs back over. Then dobby says "grab your girl and get ready to slllooowwww danncccceeee. Yea it's happening."
"So that's what you were up to" I say
He nodded. "Let me guess rewrite the stars" I guess
"How did you know? You know me too well Olivia" Harvey laughs
"What is it with that song and you?" I ask. I never really knew why he liked it so much.
"It's not like it's my favourite song since it came out. I like it because it reminds me of us our story we forgot each other re connected now look at us." Harvey said. Omg my eyes started to tear up. He is so sweet and my heart melted when he said us. "Your so sweet harvs" I say about to cry. "Olivia don't cry" he says hugging me.

"Come on let's dance" he said
We start dancing when rewrite the stars came on. It was so cute. Seeing everyone coupled up with people they love. Just like how I love harvey. "I love you too" harvey said "Did I say that out loud" I ask embarrassed. "No but I know you were thinking it and I was right." We laughed.

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