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Olivia POV~
They next stops on the tour were every bit as amazing as the others. Even with max and harvey dragging us all on stage. We all got really close. We didn't hear from Amy which was good. And me and harvey. Well we are  loving life together.

Our families have got even closer and there is nothing but love for each other. We are ready to face anything together. We are ready for school. Even though we wouldn't mind staying off a bit longer. I can't wait to dinner with the fam, a night out with my mates, Christmas and max and Harvey's birthday. It's going to be amazing.

Harvey  POV~
The tour has been lit and I just love everyone and everyone is getting along with each other amazing it's so fun. There's a lot to look forward to. The millisies were awesome. Me and max love them so much and are really grateful.  And Olivia I love her so much.

Max POV~
I have loved this tour and loved hanging out with everyone on it. Meeting the fans was so cool they are the best. These are definitely the people I will never let go off. Me and Jess are brilliant she is so funny as long as you don't get on the wrong side of her 😂

Jessica POV~
I loved being on this tour im really glad max and harvey invited me. I have made the best of friends. And i have the best boyfriend ever. Max is so funny he is so good at everything and he is just so sweet i cant stop hugging him 😂 and he keeps teasing me with things and i get really annoyed and scare him its so funny we both end up laughing. We never fight which is good. Oh and dont get me started on amy no one messes with my best friends. Harvey is so kind and good to everyone he meets and knows. Olivia she is my hot bestfriend. Max is max 😏. Dylan is so innocent. Whats her problem??

Dobby POV~
I'm so glad max and harvey invited me along. I've got so many amazing friends, best friends for life. And I love my sister aka Olivia we have got close again and it will stay like that. We are like brother and sister. And I have a new girlfriend in the end zoey. So I'm loving life. Can't wait for the next night out with my mates so I can introduce them and be DJ DOBBY.

Dylan POV~
The tour has been interesting in one word. I'm just glad we didn't all fall out over the Amy thing. And that Olivia and harvey and max are still all okay after it. Amy better get ready for what's coming for her because the six of us against her. She doesn't have a chance. We just have to play it right. I love these guys so much.

Emily POV~
I wish I could of went on tour but that's my own fault. The tour seemed hot juicy and amazing. I'm so glad I have them as friends even though I didn't get to see them much. I can't wait to see them all again and catch  up. It's been okay chilling around home There's not much I can do I'm 3 months pregnant. But I have connor and he keeps me company. Schools been boring without the others they just bring the fun and drama must follow them ..I've heard stories. Lol

Connor POV~
Yea the tour seemed class. But I would of rather stayed at home. Me and Emily it was like we were already parents. Married if even. It's seems weird yes but we were just chilling doing  normal stuff. She is the best girlfriend. I'm not sure how I feel about my little sister going out with Harvey. Harveys great but after what I've been through I don't want her hurt. But I know Harvey and he would never do that.

Olivia POV~
these are the best days of my life. The best people in my life. I'm going to miss the tour because we might  never be all together again. We will definitely see each other in school. And dobby be will always be at my house since he's my 'brother' and friends with connor. And Emily I will probably see every day at my house and school.

Dylan I will see in school and we might sometimes meet up. Amy we won't see her very soon. She might still be in our school but not in our lives. Once it gets out that we know she won't bother with us. Tilly I will be seeing a lot of when I'm at max and harveys. Leo he has boarding school. Sara and Paul I will see them a lot too. And my mum we will be spending a lot more time together. Harvey is making me dad come out to hang put for a few days. I love Harvey you have no idea.

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