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~Brief overview~
Connor and Emily are pregnant. They tell your parents at lunch and they are fine with it and then they go off to tell Emily's parents they don't take it to well so Emily is staying with Connor in your house while you and your mum are on tour. Your dad leaves again for business. Max and Harvey were stuck at the studio all day working. You went to Jessica's to help her pack for the tour and realised you didn't pack either. You ran into Michael her brother. You had dinner at hers now your back home. It's now Night.

Olivia P.O.V~
I ran through my front door. "Olivia" my mum says. "Can't talk mum need to pack" I say in a hurry trying to pass her. "Harvey told me you didn't pack so I packed for you." My mum said calming me down. "Thank you mum and Harvey is the best boyfriend ever" I say. My mum laughed "ok"

I walked into the living room. My dad was in there. We had a long conversation. "Sweetie I have to go on a business trip again but I will be back for Christmas." My Dad says. "Aw dad" "look I won't be here in the morning when you wake up and I told this to Connor aswell i love you and always will. I will be back soon and have fun on the tour and stay safe" Dad says. "I will thanks Dad love you." I say.

I walk out of the living room ready for bed. "Night mum love you" i say as I meet my mum in the hall. "Night sweetie" she says. I peeped my head in through the door. My mum and dad hugging on the sofa watching a movie. Now that's marriage goals. I then pass connors room and Connor and Emily were awake so I go in and sit on the bed.

"Hiya I heard how things went" I Said. "Yea they went pretty good except for my parents but they will come around" Emily said. She seemed to be dealing with it okay. She began explaining the whole thing to me. "Woah" I say. "Yea" connor says. "I'll see you before I leave tomorrow, night" I say. "Night" they both say.

I walk out of connors room and into my own room. I see my suitcase all packed up. I decide to tweet before I text harvey and Jessica.


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Jess: thanks for helping me pack my suitcase I'll be at your house tomorrow at 7 night babes love ya xxx

Me: night babes Harvey and my mum packed mine 😂 okie dokie see ya tomorrow xxx

Jess: lucky max was texting me confused about something Harvey said it was so funny

Me: I saw that tweet harvey told me he said no brand deals and max got confused because they weren't on camera ahaha

Jess: Ahaha night xxx

Me: night xxx



Harvs: I saw your tweet and I love you more

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