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Terrible cries for help along with the battle cries of fighters echoed through the night, winged creatures hovered in the air, fire roared with the burn of the sun, humongous monster like roars filled my ears despite the distance. The leaves and sticks beneath my feet crunch and snap as I run towards what I hope will be a better life. Reaching the wooden docks and pushing back my hair I untie a boat from it's holding and make my escape, reaching mid way across the water I quickly turn back to place that was once my horrid place of birth and begin to travel forward into the great beyond not looking back a second time. As luck would have it I was able to escape and in those past days I never felt so free but where there is good luck there is also bad luck...

*Present Day*

I stand on the edge of a cliff looking out around the sky and sea, the soft wind that flies through the air plays with my hair as I think back to those days and most importantly the day that changed my life forever. A nudge under my arm acknowledges me to turn my attention away from the scenery and down onto the magnificent creature beside me giving her a pat on the head "I guess he's awake, huh?" she looks at me and sits up her back legs making her taller than me and i smile up at her "Well then let's get going and greet our guest. What do you say girl?" I ask and she smiles landing on all fours again jumping around me in circles like a puppy and I can't help but laugh at how adorable she is "Come on then" I mount onto my pets back and she lifts off into the air.

My name is Hilary Argent and this is my dragon Iceflake (a/n: yea i know i suck at names) but she's also my best friend in the whole world. I named her Iceflake because of her beautiful icy blue eyes with flakes in them and her skin is as pure white as the snow that glitters in the i guess to me the name suited her. After I had ran away from my previous life I was caught in a terrible storm when I was young, I remember like it was yesterday...

*Flashback to a few years ago*

Grey clouds covered the clear blue sky blocking out the suns light. The rain that seemed to appear out of nowhere was cold and heavy and the waves shook as viciously as the storm itself did, bolts of thunder lit up the sky as giant waves tumbled over me nearly knocking the boat over. I tried my best to regain balance and get this thor for saken ship on the right course but lightning wasn't on my side and decided to struck down the giant white sail smashing the boat in half. 'Oh for the love of thor' I let out a yelp as it crashes down just missing me but not before the boat hits a rock destroying the thing into pieces with me hitting the water as I begin to sink down...everything was happening so fast that I didn't have time to breathe.

Mustering up all my strength I swim to the top taking in and letting out a deep breathe that I didn't catch earlier. I looked around for something to hold onto when I see a large plank of wood floating above the water and I begin to swim for it finally reaching the damn thing and pulling myself half up on it coughing up the water that got into my mouth. The waves moved more widely and I try my best to hang onto dear life with the pressure of the waves eloping me are becoming hard to handle and soon enough my vision goes black and I await for the fate that has been chosen for me, oh well, at least I had a taste of freedom.

To my surprise I didn't die as I woke up hours later taking in my surroundings and realising I was laying on a snowy, rocky ground. I look around more and from the looks of the sky and the cliffs, hills and trees around the place I guess i'm on an island but how did I get here? I heard a movement behind me sitting more up right turning around only to come face to face with a Light Fury who seems to be holding a bowl or something in her mouth. Of course I had only read about them in books but seeing one up close! "Y-You saved me, didn't you?" she walks to the other side of me putting the bowl she was holding down and uses her nose to push it my way.

How To Train Your Dragon - Hiccup x Reader: What Once was LostWhere stories live. Discover now