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Looking at the scene to see a man who stand in front of Hiccup and the group I noticed that he had scar that ran over his left eye and had a smug smile on his lips and I listened in as best I could "Looks like we meet again dragon riders" Hiccup looked angrily at the guy"Krogan" So those group of kids are the dragon riders the guards mentioned.My eyes shifted towards the group of dragons that were changed 'Let's see, 2 Deadly Natters, 1 Zippleback, 1 Monstrous Nightmare, 1 Gronkle, a Stormcutter...well you don't see them around a lot way is that a Night Fury?! I thought they were all gone' I saw Iceflake look at me and I placed a hand on her "I know girl. I see him too"

"What do you want Krogan?" I heard Hiccup ask "Oh, Hiccup it's not what I want it's what you have" "And the dragons?" the blonde girl next to Hiccup asks, Krogan shrugs "Just an added bonus beside the truly are magnificent creatures" he says walking over to the Night Fury reaching a hand towards which only earned a loud threatening growl from the dragon "Don't touch him!" Krogan looks back at the rider but snaps his head back when the night fury breaks his belts and leaps onto of him.

The dragons illuminates with purple fire but is soon stopped when Krogan men throw ropes over him whilst some pin him down by the head "Toothless! No!" the other dragons get riled trying to break free to the friend but are failing as there being pulled back away from the poor creature. The others cry out for the're dragons and I feel my blood boil with anger. "Put them in a cell but leave the Night Fury to me!" He growls.

Reaching behind my me I grab one of my arrows and pull back on the bow string as I aim for Krogan not realizing that Iceflake had heard something and walked away to inspect it. But before I could release the arrow I was hit on the head and fell to the ground, feeling my vision start to blur I feel into complete darkness but the yells of the riders were the last thing I heard.

****2 hours later****

I see myself surrounded in a Ice cave and feeling my whole body ache as I look up ahead to see 3 people fighting each other but I can't make out who the guys are. Just then a see another guy from a hidden part of a corner  getting ready to shoot an arrow at the boy who seemed to be holding something. Protection washed over me and despite my hurt body I pushed myself up and ran towards the boy screaming out his name...but what name was I screaming?I leap in front of the boy and feel a sharp, painful sting in my shoulder...

My eyes shot open and I spring up from my lying position breathing heavily. I look down to expect a wound of some sort but nothing was there, and I couldn't move my arms as they were tied tightly behind my back. Doing the best I can I try to roam my hands around the band of my skirt  and my boots to grab my daggers but those seem to be taken off me as well as my bow and arrow. I look around to see that I'm trapped in a holding cell, my cape is hanging on the outside of the cell on the wall and I'm sitting on the dusty ground fall all alone . Dang it! Those bastards must've taken Iceflake when I was knocked out.

"Ok, come on Hilary. This is nothing that you haven't gotten out of before. I just need something with a pointed edge to cut the rope" I talk softly to myself. I look around the cell to see if I can see anything that will help me. looking closer at the cell I notice that a nail is missing from one of the slots...if a nail is missing that means it must be on ground here somewhere, I look around the area trying to spot when the light from the moon outside shines on something small catching my attention. Scooting over to the object I see that it was the missing. Bingo!

I move to make sure the nail is hidden as I pick it up from behind my back, facing the point towards the point and begin moving it up and down. This might take awhile but it's the best I have so far


The halls are fulled with silence with only the sounds of small footsteps heading towards a door. The guard reaches his hand out pushing the door open as it squeaks, walking in to see the boss standing with his hands behind his back facing away from the guard "The intruder has been captured sir, she has been placed in one of the far holding cells" "Good. Make sure the rest of the men take a rotating shift keeping an eye on the girl. I have a feeling she's going to be a tricky one" "Right away sir" Krogan waits until the guard leaves and the door is shut before turning back and speaking.

How To Train Your Dragon - Hiccup x Reader: What Once was LostWhere stories live. Discover now