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We followed Hilary for about close to an hour now. Looking around at the scenery I had no idea where we were as I didn't recognize the area. Just where is she taking us exactly? Looking back at the others I could read on their face that they were just as confused as me. I'm about to ask when Hilary stops Glaceon as they hover in front of a grey clouded mist.

"Hilary? Is everything ok?" She breathes heavily before looking back and responding "Yeah. I just....Hiccup I need to know for you honestly swear to me that this remains a secret" I can hear it in her voice that she's worried for what I don't really know "Yes, I promise you" she doesn't smile not even a small and just nods her head "We'll see" she's softly and before I can ask if I heard her right she flies through the fog "Come on guys" we all fly through into the fog which felt almost endless.

"Man, does this fog ever end?" Tuffnut asks "It feels like we've been flying through this thing for an hour" Snotlout adds on. I sigh shaking my head I don't know what to do, I can't seem to come to an exit and the way we came in can no longer been seen. Just what is with this fog? Just then a notice something a small speck of light "Hey guys! There's light up ahead!" we fly to passing through to come face to face with the starry night sky again, looking back to no longer seeing the fog "Well looks like you guys can be trusted after all" Hilary's voice says snapping us back "What was that?" I ask. She stares at me silently for a few seconds "Come with me. And I'll explain" she turns Glaceon around and dives down.

I look back and my group and shrug before following behind her. We soon land on the edge of a cliff mounting off our dragons and walking until we come to a stop in front of a giant rock. I go to ask when Hilary reaches up and pulls down on something even though there's nothing there, the giant rock were standing in front of begins to slowly move to the side revealing a cave. "Woah! How did you do that?" Ruff asks "The leaver" "What leaver? There's nothing there?" Astrid says gesturing her hand to the rock.

"Or maybe there is. May I?" Fishlegs ask beginning to reach his hand out. Hilary nods as to give further permission as Fishlegs reaches up the rest of the way until we see his hand clutch around something "She's right Hiccup, there is a leaver here. Extraordinary" Fishleg breathes as he seems to be analyzing some thing in his hands. "He's craaazzzyyy" Tuff whispers to me "No I'm not. Hiccup come feel for yourself" I quickly glance at Hilary and then Fishlegs before walking closer to Fishlegs. Fishlegs holds his hands up more slightly as I reach my hand out until I feel it.

"Hiccup?" Astro asks "Wow. T-this is i- incredible b-but how?" I ask smiling with amazement at Hilary who is slightly smiling with her arms crossed "I know right! It's like it's almost cloaked-" "-but that impossible unless..." "-Changewing skin right?" Fishlegs shouting in sync as we alternated our speech. Hilary blinks at our outburst until she starts laughing herself. She actually has a nice laugh. "I-I'm sorry's just...I never met people like you too before" she responds wiping a tear from her eye. She takes one final laugh as she breathes slightly calming her laughter "Getting back to that note. Yes you two right. It's made and covered by Changewing skin.

"But why Changewing skin?" Snotlout asks "Easy, because the Changewing skin allows the Changwings to camouflage with there surroundings so it can do the same with gadgets as along as you know how to use it right" Hilary and I both answer at the same time. The looks at us eyes wide open as Hilary and I look at each other before we both start chuckling slightly. Clearly her throat she begins to speak. "Anyway enough about the leaver let' inside so the dragons can rest" "Oh-uh, yeah! G-great idea" she tucks some hair behind her ear before disappearing into the cave.

It was weird to think how natural it felt to laugh and talk at the same time  as Hilary. Almost as if we were connected by some strong force. Could I be attracted her? No! No way! I'm with Astrid for thor sake! I couldn't betray her like that, I love her. But something about being with Hilary gave me the feeling as if I had lost something and finally found it again. I couldn't explain what I was feeling...*sigh* I just pray that it is something else. We follow into the cave and jump slightly as the door seems to close behind us "It's okay bud. We'll be ok" I tell Toothless from beside me.

How To Train Your Dragon - Hiccup x Reader: What Once was LostWhere stories live. Discover now