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*Starting off just before Hiccup walks into the markets*

I woke up early morning to do my jobs, tending to the island, feeding the dragons, took the baby dragons for a fly and then ended up in my room working on a project I had well been working on but after rummaging through my trunks and crates I realised I was missing a few supplies that were going to be needed.  "Well Iceflake, looks like were taking a trip to the markets" I said with my hands on hips. Changing into my gear cause you never know when your going to run into trouble I mounted on Iceflake as we flew through the cave to the outside.

***Minutes later****

Once we had landed I pulled my hood over my head and told Iceflake to stay put and try not to be seen I mean come on she a Light Fury, what dragon trapper wouldn't want to catch as there very rare. I didn't mind the northen markets to much but  it didn't help when you had some thieves running around the joint.

Walking into the market I went to one of the stands looking at different supplies for what I need. Beginning to walk to another stand I examine everything they have but stop when I feel a set of eyes on me. Turning my head slightly to examine the person out of the corner of my eye I saw that it was boy who was with a group of friends and all of them were probably no older than me. Luckily I had my hood up so he couldn't see my face.

 The boy that was looking at was quite tall, didn't have much of a muscular body but I could tell he was still pretty built well, he has tussled brown hair with to small plats, green eyes, was dressed in a red and brown clothes/amour and trailing down further saw that he had a metal leg on right side.

I will admit he's very, very cute, the type of cute that could get a girls heart racing pretty fast but what got me is the feeling I soon getting and it wasn't the sense of danger or threat but in fact it was a pulling one, almost if something was telling to go to was strange "Hiccup! You coming or what!?" I hear one of the boys from the group shout grabbing the brunette boy attention. "Uhhh y-yea I-I'm coming" I heard the boy who was called by the name of Hiccup shouted back.

Something told me that he had looked back but I was already around the corner out of plain sight. I continued looking side to side store to store when 2 men dressed in amour and dragon horned helmets got my attention. I remember running into those men when I've gone to rescue dragons from them 'Just what are they up to' I followed them till they came to a stop and quickly hiding behind a wall in a tunnel arch way and listened in on them.

"Are we sure Krogan's plan is gonna work this time? Those dragon riders are pretty smart" "Krogan knows what he's doing. Those riders are nothing without there dragons. And tonight when those stupid dragon riders go to the new base to rescue those oh so helpless dragons-" he said that last part in a wimpy baby voice "-We'll steal they're precious dragons right from under there very noses. Haha those riders aren't gonna know what hit them" You know I have to admit these minions of this 'Krogan' guy aren't really smart but hurting dragons or even controlling them was no going to happen on my watch.

Putting on my mask so my identity wouldn't be seen I picked up a rock from beside me and threw it in there direction hitting a barrel which did the trick as they turned facing the noise "Who's there" One of the goons asks. I keep quiet and listen closely in on there footsteps getting closer to me. When I saw one of the guys was close enough I grabbed him and pinned him up against the wall, grabbing out one of my daggers *as seen in picture above* and holding the side of the blade to his throat "Tell me who this Krogan guy is and where is the base you nimrods are holding those dragons!?" He remains quiet "Look, I don't have all day so we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your chose" again he doesn't respond.

How To Train Your Dragon - Hiccup x Reader: What Once was LostWhere stories live. Discover now