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"I looked at her and I saw myself" I tensed up a little as Hilary says that and I flashback to that day Toothless was taken from me when I 15 *A/N: I looked it up and that is the exact age he was in the first train your dragon if you didn't know*

***Flashback to 3-4 years ago***

"Oh for the love of...I was a coward, I was weak, I wouldn't kill a dragon" I shout at Astrid "You said wouldn't that time" she fires back "Oh yeah whatever, I wouldn't! 300 years and I'm the first viking who wouldn't kill a dragon" I turn away from her until what she said grabbed my attention "First to ride one though. So....." "I wouldn't kill him because he looked as frightened as I was. I looked at him and I saw myself..."

***End of flashback***

Those were the exact same words I said, the similar encounter to our dragons tied up and tried to kill only mine was in the woods and I had a dagger. Was it strange that I could see more of myself in Hilary with each new thing I learned about her?! 

After everything was explain we decided to go to sleep cozing into the warmth of the fire and our dragons. I didn't actually know how tired I was until I closed my eyes and feel instantly asleep.

Flashes of an ice cave, two men to 1 and an unconscious body on the floor flash through my mind. It was the dream again...but why? A flash of a human shield protecting me...I gasp awake breathing heavily once again. Since I was laying on my side my first line of sight was the burnt out fire pit. Breathing once more I roll back into Toothless warmth...."The dragons are gone!" I shout standing up alarming everyone "Hiccup, what are you on about?" Snotlout asks pushing his helmet off his eyes and on his head.

"The dragons are missing!" Everyone looks around but there are no signs of any of the dragons looking around the cave I realize that there aren't as many dragons as before, it's nearly dull "Where's Hilary?" Astro points out. I look at everyone...he's right everyone's here except for...Hilary "She wouldn't have taken the dragons would she? I mean why take half and leave the rest behind when this place is her home" Astrid points out "I don't know, but we need to find them" I respond.

"I knew it, I knew it we shouldn't have trusted her. It's obvious she tricked us with her beauty, it was all a set up she knew how to make us fall for her with her emerald green eyes, her chocolate fall of hair and fair skin-" "You mean you fell for her beauty" Tuffnut says but Snotlout keeps talking as if he didn't hear us "-It was obvious, the way she flirted with me, giving me the hard to get act-" "Yeah she never flirted with you-" "-Wanting to lead me on so I let my guard down and when the moment was right she snatch up Hookfang in the others, leaving us for complete...fools" he finishes on his knees, hands crossed over heart and head down.

Rolling our eyes we get to the subject at hand letting Snotlout be....well Snotlout. "With whatever...that is I say we search the island" we begin to head through the entry way tunnel until we close the hidden rock door pulling the leaver to open it "-We get out there, find our dragons, find out what's going on and if have to...." my words trailed of as I stare at the scene below. The grass was so green, flowers were vibrant with colors, the sky was clear blue, the waterfall on the side of us shone like a thousand tiny crystal due to the sun, the trees were as vibrant as the flowers and plants and the fruit on some of them were ripe and ready for eating.

"Hiccup it''s-" "Beautiful, I know. I've never seen a island like this" I say cutting Astrid off "It's paradise. Is that even possible?" I don't get time to answer Fishlegs question when I hear a roar I know all too well "Toothless! It's Toothless, Let's go" we hurry run down the mountain, reaching the bottom and sprinting towards the multiple sound of dragons. Oh Toothless please be ok, I swear if she hurts you I'm gonna...but once again my words were lost.

How To Train Your Dragon - Hiccup x Reader: What Once was LostWhere stories live. Discover now