The stress hidden inside

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A few weeks later
This week, is the week off work, the week I have been waiting for forever. After working for so many hours your body gets tired and you loose some sleep, and now in this week I could catch up on it and relax for a while. I wake up to the sound of my alarm which is an Ateez song and a roll over to turn in off.

After laying in bed for a few more minutes I decide to get up and go the the bathroom. As I look at myself in the bathroom mirror I notice a few cuts and bruises from working, my heart dropped looking at the bruises and I felt like I was being suffocated by fear. Our manager after the incident had lost so many employees he threatened to kill us if we quit our job, many people were scared of him after that and did not try to quit work, instead they warned other about the dangers the have if the work here. The thing is, he didn't just threaten to kill us. He started abusing us if we slacked on work or if we got a small complaint about the food. At this point, I felt a tear drip down my face, I was scared. Scared of what he was going to do next. I should've listen to San and I should never have turned up the next day.

Time skip to lunch
For lunch I decided to go out. I went to a cafe not far from my home since I couldn't be bothered walking to far. I was dressed in a long sleeved oversize hoodie and jeans. I tried my best to hide all my bruises and cuts away from the public. A sit at a table facing the window with my coffee and sand which, it was really peaceful but cold outside. As I'm looking outside 8 familiar boys come round the corner and enter the cafe. The looked familiar but I couldn't remember who they exactly were so I just ignored them. Until I feel I pair of arms wrap around my neck.

A gentle warm breath is felt by my ear as the deep and soothing voice said
"Hello there..."
I was confused and I did not know who it was I turned to see who it was. Which was a big mistake because now I was extremely close to this persons face, the person being no one other than San. Seeing him made me smile and he sat in front of me with his coffee.

He happily says "How have you been lately?"
I lie innocently, "I've been quite good actually." Well I definitely wasn't convincing because he could immediately tell that I was lying.
"Look you can tell me anything...Anything you tell me will just be a secret between us if that's what you want it to be okay?" He reassures me by taking my hand and squeezing it then smiling at me.

That's when I break down and decide to tell him everything, and by everything I mean every little detail from the abusing to threatening, and being underpaid. I take my hand away from his and I start crying due to all the stress that has been kept inside me for weeks. I just wanted to disappear, I needed help. Help to get away from this hell hole. I didn't want to work there anymore, but I had to or else I'd be chased after.

As she tells me everything, she starts to break down in tears which makes my heart ache like made. I want to help her but I'm not sure how, I wish I could make all her troubles go away... but that wasn't possible. If I was going to get help I needed to tell the members. I listen carefully to everything she tells me and I want to hug her, but that would be weird. She seems to be trapped, trapped in an endless hole she can't get out off, she needs someone to help her out and Brighten the way. That person is going to be me! Well and maybe the members but mainly Me!

MY SAVIOUR| SAN ATEEZWhere stories live. Discover now