chapter 2: Dorm Rooms

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Aizawa came back and untied Deku (his shoulder and back were bandaged to protect the burn), then he took him to where Dabi and Toga were in their dorm. You could tell that 1a lived here, it said 1a on the front, and you could see people's belongings lying around the common room.
Deku went to Dabi's room and Aizawa followed him. As he walked inside, Toga jumped up from the bed and hugged Deku's arm.
Dabi's room was bare except for and empty wardrobe, a bed, his desk, and his newly painted walls, which was dark purple with splashes of blue, black, pink and white, to make it look like a galaxy. He also had a phone charger and was currently sitting holding his phone but looking at Deku. Toga's phone was on his bed.
Deku turned to face Eraser Head with Toga still hugging him. "Are you just gonna keep standing there?"
"I still have to tell you the rules before i leave. First off, tomorrow, you will join classes with 1a. You have this whole floor to yourselves. If you are not in the dorms by 9.30pm, then the alarms will go off. This whole building is the dorms. You will not be allowed to leave the premises without three other students or a teacher, no killing or harming other students or teachers, if you do, you will be punished," Dabi and Deku shuddered "And finally, no weapons. Any questions?"
"Can we leave? Like, go back to the league?" Toga asked. Deku mentally facepalmed. "Why would we let villains leave? Now, prepare for your last night of peace, because tomorrow, you will meet your new classmates."
Aizawa smirked and left Dabi's room. Deku grabbed his phone from Dabi's desk, finally shaking Toga off. He sat down on Dabi's bed and lent into his arm and Toga was lying down on the bed in front of them. "Fuuuck." Deku groaned. He turned on his phone. He opened up the group chat with all the villains in it.
Shittyraki- where the fuck r u 3
Dabitch- we got captured by the pros
Dabitch- but it was mostly endewhores fault
Dabitch- man, I wanna burn him so bad that all that's left of him is ashes
Himihoe- well, now ik that I'm not gonna get on ur bad side
Himihoe- for now
Shittyraki- well u can stay at that hero sch for now
Shittyraki- serves u right for messing up again
Kurogiri- we'll probably get you three out in a month or so
Himihoe- come ooon
Himihoe- that's too looooong
Himihoe- do u think I'll make friends
Deku- no
Himihoe- dekkun, y u so mean
Deku- Im to tired for this shit
Deku- bye
Shittyraki- don't forget to give me a report on everyone when u get back Deku. We need those notes
Deku- yh yh
Deku- bye

Deku turned off his phone and fell asleep on Dabi's bed and ignored all his protests. 5 minutes later, Dabi finally got fed up and pushed Deku off the bed and laughed as he groaned face down on the floor. "Go to your own room you lazy shit" he said as he sat back down on his own bed "ugh fiiiine." Deku said as he dragged himself back to his room with Toga following behind.
The second he opened his door, he walked in and flopped face first into his bed. "Dekkun, I have to shades of red, one looks like bloodstains and the other looks like fresh blood! Which one should I use?"
Deku, with his face still in his pillow and his eyes closed, said "make it look like the ceiling is bleeding. Then add bloodstains to random parts of your room. It'll look cool. I'll check it later but. Let. Me. Sleep."
Toga squealed her thanks then ran to her dorm. Deku immediately fell asleep.

1 hour later

"Dekkun! Come check out my room!" Toga shouted running into deku's room and jumping onto his bed. "Get off me 'm tryna sleep." Deku mumbled.
"Come on come on come on come on come on come ooooon!!" Toga yelped bouncing on the bed until Deku sat up. "Ok ok I'm awake. Show me your room which is more important than my goddamn sleep."
Toga led him to her room while he rubbed his sleep deprived eyes. He looked inside and smiled. The walls had 'blood' dripping down them and it looked real. Toga also had red curtains and a dark pink mattress, with a white desk and a wardrobe in the corner.
"You've been busy." Deku said. Toga hugged his arm and said "I don't have my stuff but If I did it would look way awesomer!" Toga said "awesomer isn't a word." Deku deadpanned. Toga ignored him "imagine knives hanging from my wall~"
"Nice room." Toga jumped and Deku turned around to face Dabi. "Your ones ok but after I'm done decorating, mines gonna be the best." Deku said as he started walking back to his room. "No way! Mines way better! I'll beat you!" Dabi said running after Deku "no fair! Mines the best!" Toga pouted and went back in her room. Dabi caught up go Deku and put him in a headlock. He laughed. "Get off me you idiot!" Deku shouted trying to push Dabi off him. when  he did, they started racing through the corridor to their rooms. Dabi changed his curtains and got a purple one and got a dark blue mattress. Deku made his mattress dark green and painted his his walls dark green, then he added large splodges of red to make it look like blood. He added dark red curtains to match with his blood and added purple paint splashes to his white desk to make it look cool. When he was done, he walked out his dorm to see Dabi and Toga sitting next to the wallimbetween Dabi and Deku's rooms. Deku had green and red paint all over his hands and a bit on his face. "may the challenge begin." Deku smirked at Dabi who smirked back. He faced Toga. "you'll be the judge. judge our rooms then tell us which one you like best and which one looks best. k? Dabi you think that's fair?" Toga started jumping up and down and Dabi nodded. "K! Starting with Dabi's room!... Nice colours, very dark. Emo!" she said.

"I am not an emo!" "yeah, yeah. Looks like a galaxy. Very nice, onto Deku's room!" she skipped to his room, with the two boys following behind. "Nice colours, the red and green go well together, that blood looks realistic, I love the red curtains, I love the purple you added to your desk, and I love your mattress." they left his room, and sat in the same spot as before.

"Ok so my favourite waaaaaas...... DEKKUN!!!!!!" Toga cheered as Deku  jumped up and punched the air "yes!" then he stuck his tongue out at Dabi "but Dabi has the best looking room." toga said. Dabi jumped up and screamed "YESSSS!" and poured a cup of water onto Deku's head. Who knows where he got the water from. "Ha ha! In your face! You thought you would win butchya didn't!" Deku's wet hair drooped over his face and a line of wet green paint was dripping down his cheek. He looked Dabi in the eye and he instantly went silent. "You're an asshole." then he went into his ensuite room and went to take a shower. When he got out, he locked the door and sat on his bed with his phone.

dabitch- dude

dabitch- u ok?

himihoe- dabi, u poured water over his head. he's probly mad at u

himihoe- wait. w deku..... ur screwed

dabitch- wow thanks. that helps a lot

deku- quiet

deku- good luck w tomorrow :)

himihoe- he's mad...

dabitch- ur gonna b there too, deku

deku- fuck me

Dabitch- gladly

Deku- wait wut

deku- nvm I'm going to sleep while I still can. tonight is our last  of freedom. if u can even call this freedom.

deku- night bitches

dabitch- guess ill see u guys tomorrow then

himihoe- night!

As Deku got comfy all he could do was think about the next day.

Can't wait to see you again, kacchan

Deku smiled as he closed his eyes.



it took me ages to upload this chapter cuz a, I really couldn't b bothered to type so much, b, I was really busy with school projects c, I didn't think anyone was reading this. but, I came on to check the other day and saw that someone commented they liked my story, that made me so happy, so I decided right then and there to carry on typing up chapter 2. with the other chapters, all I have to do is type them up cuz I already have them all written out.

anyways, thank you for reading my fanfic, it means a lot to me.

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