15. Perfect Distraction

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George was all alone in his flat, which he did not mind at all. He liked the peace and quiet that surrounded him whenever Alex was out. This time the dark brunette left for the weekend so George had the whole place to himself. This one was one of his rather productive days, meaning that he'd actually had to leave the house in the early afternoon hours to discuss new designes for his upcoming merchandise and also set a price range for the new products.

Back home he leant back in his chair and wrote a script for his next commentary, crossing out whole lines, making little corrections every now and again. Everything was going smoothly until his internet connection started having issues, which he would've indeed needed for research purposes during the creation process.

He thought that maybe his switch had a malfunction or the router so he tried to turn both of them off and then back on - hey, that works more then half the time, okay? When nothing happened he let out a frustrated sigh and decided to have a look around in his room.

That's when he noticed the darkness that settled around him. It wasn't even that late yet but the sun was nowhere to be seen. Koala-coloured clouds covered the skyline, menacingly floating around. The rain was silently pouring, the droplets running down the windowpane at a rapid pace.
It seemed like the wind had picked up as it swung branches around, the electrical wires of pylons wildly swaying back and forth. And when the petite brunette caught a glimpse of a tiny flash, his heart rate doubled.

One, two, three, four- George counted the seconds, trying to calculate how far the storm was. Five, six - a booming crack rang through the streets and broke the calmness of the outside world. The boy shivered and ducked down in fear.

The twenty-year-old had been scared of thunder ever since he was a kid. Even though he'd never gone through anything thrilling or devastating that could even mildly have something to do with storms, his brain still connected the loud thunder to a rather negative feeling which always came with the inevitable affright. In the back of his mind houses, people and trees a struck by lightning lingered every time.

He especially hated it when a storm started up at some point through the night. Each time this did happen he had nightmares and woke up in cold sweat, clutching his duvet for dear life.

He learned how to manage during those times when he turned fourteen and thought that going to cuddle his mom was not acceptable anymore. So he liked to hug pillows instead and played with his dog. However, this was his first time experiencing a thunderstorm away from his childhood home, away from his fluffy friend.

And now he was all alone and scared.

He tried to think of anything to take his mind off of the happenings outside. First, he plugged in his earphones and listened to some music to muffle the noise of thunder. He laid down on his bed with closed eyes and started to daydream.

Everything seemed fine -since his favourite songs always calmed him down - until there was silence between two hits on his playlist. He heard it again, which made him jump and rise to his feet.

There's only one way to solve this problem. He needed to get someone to keep him occupied.


Ten minutes later, there he stood in front of Will's flat. George crossed his fingers trying to stop them from shaking before he knocked on the door twice.

There was silence on the other side, no footsteps approaching or shuffling that could indicate Will's presence.

Where are you? Come on Will, don't let me down. George thought to himself as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, chills running down his spine, both from the coldness of the hallway and from the booming storm outside.

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