24. Hold My Bear

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This doesn't mean I'm back I just had to get this idea out of my system 🙃

Will noticed that he started to miss his friends as soon as he was in his flat alone and wanted to go downstairs to hang out with them. He pulled on a jumper, ready to get some shoes when he realised he couldn't just do that anymore. Alex and George got evicted and moved out three days prior. Not knowing their address yet, he didn't feel it appropriate just to quickly text one of them about it and barge in without an invitation. When they still lived in the tower it felt natural to do that since it became a habit vice versa but now it just didn't feel right.

After a vast amount of contemplation he texted George offering his help if there were any boxes left to unpack.

There were and the smaller man also purchased a sofa from IKEA that needed to be built. Will texted him back saying that his huge muscles were finally going to be put to good use.


"So you came to help George and George only. Wow. I see how it is." Alex feigned annoyance when Will followed the other man into his room, giving the dark brunette the bird in the meantime.

George tossed him a couple of bags full of clothes and told him to take good care of the pieces as he arranged his knickknacks around his work desk.

"I didn't know you wore pink." The Geordie boy chuckled as he hung a Criminal Damage hoodie onto hanger, shaking his head as he noticed 'Size Small' written on its tag. "Midget boy."

George pulled out a Lego Batman out of nowhere and almost chucked it at his companion but decided against it at the last second. He would've felt bad for the plastic hero.

"I don't. I liked it in the shop. Never put it on though."

And that was that. They unboxed the younger's belongings with occasional conversations, the former couldn't help but notice Will's odd behaviour.

"So why the insistent desire to come help me?"

Will shot him a look over his shoulder, neatly folding the last pair of jeans in the stack. "Dunno. Thought you needed some."

He wasn't wrong. Although, George protested that he could reach the shelf above his PC, he wasn't even close to doing so, so Will without further argument snatched his YouTube plaque out of his hand and popped it up there with ease.

"Is this all?"

Navy irises scanned his room and nodded. "Uh-huh."


The couch's 'manual'  turned out to be more difficult than they'd anticipated. It took the two almost three hours to put it together, they ended up sprawled over George's bed vertically, face facing one another upside down.


The reply came in the same soft tone like the question did. "Yeah?"

"I came here because I feel guilty."

George furrowed his eyebrows and turned his head to face Will, lips in line with the latter's eyes. "What for?"

Green eyes didn't meet his and remained on the ceiling, the brunette's fingers intertwined on his stomach.  "For your eviction. I feel like I was the main reason you received those noise complaints."

Albeit, that was indeed true, George didn't confirm it. He hummed and turned his head back to have the same view as Will did.

"No. It's the lunatic Slovenian man's fault."

"If you say so..."

Weeks passed and Will found out that the flat next to Alex and George's one was for rent. Within five days all his belongings were transported and he moved in next door to the duo. It was convenient for recordings, he reasoned and promised the boys that he would keep quiet so fate wouldn't repeat itself. James and Fraser were constant guests in both flats so it felt like nothing had changed beside their addresses of course.

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