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Moira hissed in pain, the syringes pumping the purple serum she had created deep into her veins.

Her crimson and sapphire eyes widened in horror and shock as she watched her arm turn a shade of lilac, her veins prominent and turning a deep purple, her fingernails growing into almost claws at the rate of which her cells were dying.

Ripping the needles out from her arm, the red-haired woman fell out of her chair, screaming out in pain from the immense pain searing through her entire body.

"Moira— liebe, what's wrong?!" Angela stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes wide as she clamped a hand over her mouth to stifle a gasp.

The sight of Moira's arm withering and regenerating before her was hellish, and the sounds of her anguish alone tore Dr. Ziegler's heart to shreds.

The blonde ran to her, falling to her knees immediately to see what she could do to help. Grabbing her caduceus staff from a countertop of their shared lab, she growled in frustration knowing she couldn't fix what Moira had done.

"Moira, honey, say something. How are you feeling? Oh Mein Gott- why would you do this to yourself?"

The geneticist quickly wiped away her tears, letting out a shaky laugh as she tried to sound convincing. "I know how much you hated me experimenting on the b-bunnies—.." Moira lied, gritting her teeth in pain as she tried to move her arm. "So I thought it would be more humane to use myself."

"You're so bad at lying, contrary to what everyone says," Angela frowned, reaching out to touch Moira.

The cells inside Moira recoiled in fear at the thought of somehow hurting Angela, causing her to fade for a few seconds. She reappeared exactly where she was, small wisps of black smoke emitting from around her.

"What- what did you just do?"

"I don't know," Moira mumbled, feeling weak from doing so. "My cells are dying and regenerating at a miraculous pace. You reaching out triggered a fight or flight reflex," she explained, gently setting her hand on Angela's cheek.

Dr. Ziegler chuckled weakly, feeling suddenly drained of energy and liveliness. The bags under her eyes worsened, and she collapsed onto her side.

Moira panicked, wondering what was happening to her Swiss love. Taking her hand away, she watched in despair and horror as purple tendrils radiating from her palm traveled into Angela's cheek, sapping her life force away.

The geneticist ripped herself away, the purple streaks fading to nothing. "Oh my God- Angela- I'm so sorry!" she choked back a sob, doing one thing she never wanted to do. Hurt her lover. Grabbing the doctor's staff, she felt somewhat relieved as Angela's strength and health was restored, before just dropping it out of shock.

"You're alright— you're alright, liebe! It's okay, we can figure this out together-!"


Angela blinked in surprise, furrowing her brows with worry at Moira's short statement. "What do you mean by that?"

"I need to leave. I can't be around you like this. I'm— I ruined myself. I hurt you. I can't-.." Moira quickly stood up, trying to walk out of the lab, refusing to look back at Angela.

"No, Moira— bitte— don't leave me!" Angela practically wailed, grabbing onto the bottom of Moira's lab coat before getting up, setting a hand on the redhead's shoulder.

O'Deorain practically growled, using her fading technique, reappearing a bit farther away from Angela. "Don't touch me," she warned, feeling her heart break as Angie flinched at her tone and teared up.

"B-But..you swore we'd be together until the end of time."

"Turn away- I'm awful just to see," Moira muttered, looking at her monstrosity of a left arm. "As if my heterochromia didn't make me look scary enough," she laughed sadly.

"Don't say that..."

"I don't know if my body will let me live like this. I hurt so much. But staying here with you- hurting you and counting down the days to go- it just isn't living," Moira mumbled, walking over and kissing Angela's forehead for the last time. "And I just hope you know—.."

Angela knew Moira was going to say she loved her. She didn't want to hear it because it would only break her heart more. "If you say goodbye today, I'll ask you to be true."

Moira frowned and nodded, not saying another word as Angela stared down at the ground. As she walked out of the lab, she gave her blonde one last look, before wiping her tears away and leaving the Overwatch base.

Angela fell to her knees and cried out Moira's name, sobbing loudly because she lost her love.

"Cause the hardest part of this is leaving you,,

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