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This is going to be super angsty. This also contains another ship, Mechanic24, a ship I created that is Soldier 24!Reaper x Brigitte.
Based off an old roleplay I did.


"Brig. Wake up, amor."

Brigitte stirred, slowly waking up. Sitting up in her and Gabriel's shared bed; she blinked and fully awoke when she saw that he was already in his suit.

"Knulla," Brigitte cursed under her breath in Swedish, tiredly rubbing her palms against her cheeks. "I forgot we had that mission today," she grumbled, knowing she was supposed to wake up at 3 A.M to meet Strike Commander Morrison to go on mission with him and Gabe.

"Give me 10 minutes, I'll be at the lab," Brigitte yawned, getting out of bed. Gabriel wrapped a strong arm around the Swede's waist, planting an affectionate kiss on her cheek.

Brigitte laughed softly and gently swatted him away. "Go! I don't want you getting in trouble with Morrison because I slept in," she hummed, changing into her armor as Gabriel left the room and closed the door.


"Angela, you need more control over your 'niece'," Jack sighed. Brigitte had called Angela her aunt since her father, Torbjörn was close to the Swiss medic.

The blonde rolled her eyes, looking up from her microscope as Moira only chuckled a bit.

"Leave her alone, Jack," Moira stated, not looking up from her work. "She's still young. Besides, Volskaya isn't going anywhere," the Irishwoman hummed.

The Strike Commander huffed. "We need to be there at 5 A.M. It's 4 in the damn morning and she hasn't woken up!"

"I'm here," Brigitte walked into the laboratory where the other three were, Gabriel following soon behind. Angela and Moira were in their lab coats, since they were currently pulling an all-nighter to develop more on their technology and experiments.

Jack crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at Brigitte sternly. "Took you long enough," he grumbled as the brunette blushed in embarrassment, walking over to grab her health packs since Angela kept them in the lab for her.

"Shut it, Jack," Gabriel said quietly, watching the strict Strike Commander go out of the lab and to the airship that the three would leave on.

The soldier watched in amusement as his girlfriend was being doted on by her Aunt Angie and Aunt Moira.

"Be safe, Brigitte. Comm us if you need anything," Angela said seriously, obviously worried for the young healer.

"I'm gonna be fine, Aunt Angie!" Brigitte smiled confidently, quickly giving Mercy and Moira a hug before grabbing Gabriel's arm and rushing out of the lab. "We'll see you later!"

Moira and Angela waved them goodbye, the blonde biting down on her lower lip worriedly. Moira saw this, and stood in front of her girlfriend, gently setting her hands on her arms.

"What's wrong?" Moira asked, seeing Angela furrow her brows.

"I don't know. I'm worried.." Angela mumbled, looking down at the floor. Moira smiles faintly and soothingly kissed her forehead, one of her hands rubbing at Angela's back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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