Sunlight. {Blackwatch pt. 2}

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Moira couldn't hide the secret for long.
After the fall of Blackwatch, she tried to visit Angela as much as she could.

"Moira..! You're going get us caught!" Ziegler giggled softly, trying to scold Moira whilst said geneticist peppered her neck and face in loving kisses.

They were currently hiding out in the Talon base, once Talon itself was currently forming from out of the shadows of Blackwatch, and Reyes' hatred.

"Don't worry, my Sunlight. It's all worth it for you," Moira laughed quietly, her one sapphire and her other, ruby, eye gazed into Angela's azure eyes lovingly.

Angela leaned up and pressed her lips against Moira's, the two kissing each other passionately as if it would be their last.

Unfortunately for them, it was.


Talon's unorthodox methods of mental manipulation, or brainwashing, involved a series of torture.

At first, the only person who needed it was Amélie Lacriox.

But early on, Talon found out about Moira and Angela's secret meetings. They could never track down the battle angel, so they focused on one they could punish.



However, minus Talon's forceful hand to make Moira hate Angela, the Swiss doctor returned the favor.

Olivia Colomar, known to her colleagues as 'Sombra', hacked into Overwatch's technology. She gave away Angela's discoveries to Moira, who knew the technology seemed familiar, but worked with it anyways.

Angela thought Moira stole her work.

And she would never forgive her for that.


"Jack! Cover me, I'm going to res—.." Angela was cut off, using her wings and staff to bring herself closer to where her healing powers were needed.

Weaving through the Talon soldiers and narrowly missing a shot from Widowmaker, Angela's eyes widened when she felt an arm around her neck, strangling her.

"Doctor Ziegler, the angel of the battlefield," Moira chuckled coldly, keeping a firm grip on Angela's squirming form.

"Get your hands off me, O' Deorain!" Angela hissed, her voice dripping in raw hatred. Grabbing her blaster, she maneuvered her arm as best as she could to try and shoot at Moira.

The Irishwoman only used her fading ability to maintain a safe distance from Angela, smirking as she saw the blonde glaring around, looking for her.

"Heroes never die!" Angela's telltale words rung out across the violent and loud battlefield, her wings extending as she rose above the conflict, pointing her blaster down at Moira.

"Surrender to my will!" Moira cried out in response, feeling her body revolt in pain as she forced both her life giving, and life stealing, essence out of her hands simultaneously.

The two managed to hurt one another, Angela's wings faded as she descended to the ground. Moira rushed to where the angel had landed, the purple tendrils reaching out of her hand, her claws bared.

"Angela, you know it was never Moira who stole your information!" Hana Song's, more affectionately known as, came over Angela's earpiece as Moira rushed to Mercy.

Doing the unthinkable during a battle, Angela dropped her blaster, opening her arms with a sad smile as she saw Moira stop in front of her. The redhead didn't know how to react, unsure of what was happening.

"Liebe!" Angela's soft, familiar laugh rang through Moira's ears. The geneticist didn't know what to do. Looking down at her, she knew she had to finish her job. Or else.

"She was brainwashed!"

Moira's arm pulled back, her dual-colored eyes emotionless as she thrust her hand forward. Her sharp talons pierced through Angela's armor, and then her chest, the redhead's purple hand emerging from Mercy's back.

Angela immediately dropped to her knees, a trail of blood coming from her mouth. She used to strength to bring Moira down with her, still smiling at her.

"I missed you. I kept your office tidy while you were gone," she whispered. Moira only blinked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

Wrenching her hand out of Angela's chest, seeing her previous lover dying in her lap seemed to stir memories.

Mercy's metal halo was broken, her face bruised, her soft lips red with blood, her life ebbing away from the hole in her torso.

Her golden hair, tainted by the dirt and blood, reflected from the dim light into Moira's eyes.

"Sunlight..?" Moira whispered, gently caressing Angela's cheek as she faded away within moments of receiving her wound, the millions of thoughts, emotions, and memories crashing into her brain at once.

Talon took Angela away from her.
She took Angela away from herself.
She lost her angel.
Her sunlight.

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