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hey y'all,,, so i finally finished editing this book which i've been putting off for so long, and whether you're re-reading it or reading it for the first time (spoiler alert: there's no happy ending), i also said at the last chapter that i was going to be writing a sequel and uh 😭 some chapters of the sequel are still written and i could republish it but i genuinely forgot where i wanted the plot to go since i wrote outcast in late 2018 to early 2019. but if i ever find out how i want it to continue or how i want them to develop then i'll republish i think if anyone even cares about it enough.
also, during editing i pulled a ryan murphy and cut some of their gay scenes and made them more platonic because i feel like they needed more development so um yah enjoy
ANDDDDD, i apologize in advance for this writing i promise i've improved since

"Who would leave an actual human girl on the side of the road?!"

Coco turned to the one and only supreme, and watched her rule out the possibilities in her head with beady eyes and a hardened stare.

Why would someone leave a girl out in the open? Had she been abused recently? Sexually assaulted? Attacked? Kidnapped? Especially why would they leave her at their driveway?

If she tried to answer all these questions herself, her brain would give herself a headache in return. Instead of taking the time to overthink things, she kneeled down to the injured blonde in front of her. She ran her tongue across her bottom lip as she examined the markings that patterned her pale skin. Usually the scratches and cuts would matter, but she would be able to heal them in the blink of an eye. The real question that seemed to chew at her insides was why someone would leave a body like this-

Dead or alive.

She placed her two fingers on her neck, and slowly traced them up and down as she tried to find a pulse point. It took her longer than it should've, but she could feel a slow beating make contact with the tip of her fingers.

"Go get Queenie and Zoe," She turned her head back slightly and felt Coco's eyes on her once she made the demand. If there were people that could help, she wanted them to be the women she knew would be capable of doing so.

The two girls rushed out of the Academy and over to the mailbox, which looked to be where the unidentified girl laid limply. Zoe gasped in horror when she saw the state she was in, and all Queenie could do was let out a string of curse words just to explain how cruel the sight in front of her was.

"Is she alive??" Zoe let out under her breath. A tight clenching made itself present in her stomach as she continued to stare. She had witnessed a lot of dead bodies in her life, but for some reason this one in particular made her stomach have a lingering feeling of sorrow.

Cordelia watched her chest heave up and down so slowly, one could have easily mistaken her for not even breathing at all.

"She's breathing, but I'm sure she's not going to continue for much longer if we don't help her." Cordelia's warm hand made contact with her ice cold one, and the cold melted into the warmth soothingly.

"I don't think she's even conscious to stand on her own," Coco voiced her thoughts. Cordelia carefully picked up the side of her body and motioned for her fellow witch to help her. She grabbed the other side and propped the girl against her, in hopes of being able to get her inside.

"What, you're going to bring her into a house filled with witches?!" Queenie hissed at both of them. She didn't understand how people could be so intelligent, yet so stupid at the same time.

"We can't just leave her out to die here!" The Supreme retorted loudly, her words coated with venom and malice. Her patience started to shave off little by little as Queenie continued to think about herself and her selfish necessities.

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