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warning: mentions of abuse!

Zoe would be a lying mess if she tried to deny the fact that the only thing she thought about was the blonde. Well, the other blonde in her life that she had recently met. She was supposed to be focusing on Kyle, and how they hadn't been on a date in so long due to the duties she had within the Coven. She should've been giving him her undivided attention while they were at dinner, but her head was swarmed with images of the new girl.

She kept wondering what she was doing and if Cordelia and Misty were keeping her good company. Even as she thought about it, she knew it couldn't be true. She probably was alone, sitting by the fire or doing something else by herself. Even as their date continued into the movie, she couldn't even pay attention to the horror aspect of it at all.

The whole point of watching a horror movie was so that she could get scared and Kyle could hold her like good boyfriends would normally do, but she didn't pay any attention to it one bit. Her thoughts kept trailing back to the girl who had yet to state her name. If she had to guess, it was probably something really pretty and subtle.

Like Victoria, or Marie.

She smiled softly at her own thoughts, but she was quickly pulled out of her own head as Kyle jumped out of his seat. As much as she tried to comfort him, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She had no interest in him whatsoever tonight, and it hurt her deep inside to admit that it was the truth. As the credits rolled down the animated screen and people started to get up to leave, Kyle sighed beside her in relief.

"God, I thought this movie would never end," He shook his head and set the large bowl of popcorn down on the seat next to him.

"I hated the storyline of it but it definitely scared the shit out of me. I'm surprised you didn't even jump at all." Her eyebrows knitted in distaste when she stood up and noticed his action he had previously committed.

"Are you gonna throw away the popcorn?"

He looked down to the half empty paper bowl sitting unattended on the seat, and he shook his head. His curls fluttered into his eyes, and he popped his index finger and thumb into his mouth to lick off the butter residue. She looked up at him and flashed him a small but hesitant smile before looking down at the trash littered all over the ground of the theater.

He grabbed her by the chin gently, and pulled her face up so he could properly look into her eyes. Her arms ran cold with goosebumps when she felt the wetness of his fingers press against her skin.

"You okay?" He whispered in a concerned voice.

She hummed absentmindedly, and in response he pulled her closer into his body and gave her lips a quick kiss.

"Let's get home then." He interlocked his fingers with hers slowly, and when she heard the word home the face of the short girl popped into her head.

God, she really wish she knew her name.


The second they stepped into the house, Zoe rushed upstairs to see if the blonde was anywhere to be seen. For some reason, she felt like she would just pick up and leave everything behind, while in the process of running.

Fortunately, she found her brushing her teeth in the bathroom while wearing the outfit she had picked out for her earlier today. Madison saw Zoe's reflection in the mirror and looked up with a blank expression before spitting out her toothpaste in the sink. Zoe flashed her a relieved smile.

"Hey, uh when you go to bed you don't have to keep the sweatshirt on. Or anything on. I mean- don't go to bed naked or anything it's just that it tends to get really hot at night, that's... all that I meant." She cursed at herself internally for rambling on for no reason.

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