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The way her lips felt on hers did not compare to anything like how it felt when Zoe kissed Kyle. It was gentle, soft, and overall something she had been unknowingly craving for the longest time. But just as it started, it had ended quickly.

Madison pulled away shamefully, and looked down at her hands. Her eyes pooled with tears once again as she refused to meet Zoe's gaze. Did she violate her? She definitely did. She didn't have her permission to kiss her. That was violation- was it not?

"I'm such an idiot," She muttered under her breath before escaping her grip and turning around. She rushed out of the kitchen, but ignored Zoe's protests.

"Madison!" She called after her, not really sure what to say. Well- she did kiss her, but it's not like she disliked it. Yes, it was sudden, but she didn't like her any less because of it. That would just be preposterous.

"Don't leave" She managed to finally whisper once she had heard the front door to the house slam shut. She ran her hands through her hair with a sigh, and felt her heart ache. It had barely been twenty seconds and she already missed her.


The second Madison stepped outside, she could already hear two female voices arguing with each other out on the lawn. She turned her head and noticed the voices to be recognized as Coco and Mallory, who seemed to be fighting over a useless topic that wouldn't even matter fifteen years from now.

"God, why do you have to be such a bitch Mallory?!" Coco spat out at the girl in front of her, with a clear look of frustration plastered on her face.

"I'm not! You're just being stubborn and unreasonable! If Kyle wants to leave the Academy, then so be it! We can't control his actions!" Coco rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. This argument was far from ridiculous.

"He can't leave, Mallory! It's not safe for him out there, out of all people I would expect you to know that!"

Madison glanced over to Kyle, who seemed to be figuratively placed in the middle of why they were arguing. His face held a look of confusion and worry for the two witches, and he didn't want to bother the heated way they were speaking to each other, but decided to do it anyway.

"Guys, it's fine, I won't leave if you don't want me to-"

"Go Kyle!!!" Coco shouted into his face. He flinched at her tone of voice, and looked down at his hands to avoid the glare the girl was giving him. Before they knew it, Kyle ran from the both of them, and rushed out of the gates. At that moment, Madison heard a familiar voice call her name, but it wasn't before she watched Kyle run into the street without looking both ways in the most stupidest way possible.

She heard a distant scream behind her, and the second she turned around she watched Zoe push past the three girls standing there while they watched the horror in front of them. After Zoe ran out to the road, they all followed close behind her. Zoe kneeled down and picked up his hand to check if there was still a beating pulse. When she found nothing but numbness, her body nearly convulsed with sadness and anger all at once. He couldn't be dead. He just couldn't. She wouldn't allow it. She turned to her fellow witches on the side of her and scolded them.

"Are you just gonna stand there??! Or do you maybe want to help me??" Mallory rushed to her side and helped pick Kyle's lifeless body up. It just didn't add up. He got hit by a car, yeah, but that can't just instantly kill someone. Right?

Madison felt air get trapped in her throat, and she wanted to let out a noise- any noise to signify that she was there for Zoe and she didn't have to go through this alone, whether he was alive or dead. But instead, she only thought about her feelings, and felt as if everything they had both endured was all her fault. If she never kissed Zoe, or even came to the Academy for that matter- Kyle wouldn't have wanted to leave, and therefore he would have never gotten hit by a car. It was simple logic.

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