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Kyle had felt rather terrible about everything that previously happened with him and Zoe. Yeah of course he was jealous, but that gave him no excuse to blow up on her. He had shut himself in his room the whole night and didn't even bother to come out. So, for the first time in eight hours, he was emerging from the depths of his room like a lion emerging from it's den.

He stuck his head in the guest room he assumed Zoe was staying in for the night, but frowned when he saw Queenie instead. He crept down the stairs, careful to not wake anybody up.

"Zoe?" He called out softly once he reached the bottom. He turned his head around to look to see if she had gone down to eat an early breakfast, but found no sight of her. He tip toed into the living room and opened his mouth to call Zoe's name, but felt his mood drop a thousand levels at the view he had in front of him.

Madison was cozied up against Zoe, and in the most comfortable way possible. All Kyle could feel was the rage bubbling inside of him. The way Zoe was holding Madison was the way he held Zoe, and it angered him. All of his previous thoughts about planning to apologize were now out the window, and all he wanted was to shake that small blonde awake and scream in her face.

He clenched his fists and tried to steady his heavy breathing. "Madison??" He asked her loudly while gritting his teeth. Her body slightly moved with slow motions, and before he knew it she was rubbing her eyes to wake herself up.

"What..?" She started, but didn't finish when she saw Kyle glaring at her with the most menacing stare she's ever been given.

"What are you doing with my girlfriend?" He seethed out at her. Her eyes widened in fear, and she climbed out of Zoe's grip to see if it would calm him down.

Zoe noticed this action, and suddenly felt coldness radiating throughout her body. She began to slowly wake up once she realized Madison was no longer in her grasp, and wondered to herself where she could've went.

"I-I..." Her eyes screamed how scared she was, and not one second did Kyle feel any sort of guilt regarding her. Her chest heaved up and down and she threw the blankets off of her, ready to run from him. He was ready to tackle her if she did try and escape, and attack her if necessary. Before they could both make a move, Zoe started to regain her senses and the first thing she saw made her want to yell at the top of her lungs.

"Madison?" She spoke out in a low whisper. She looked to her left and watched her stare at Kyle in fear while he stared her down in the worst way she could ever imagine. Her protective rage that she held within her crawled out from the pit of her stomach and practically trampled Kyle.

"What the fuck are you doing?" She asked in a loud voice, which caused him to glance over at her in surprise.

"Why are you acting like this?"

She moved over to Madison and grabbed her hand tightly in hers. She couldn't believe her so called boyfriend had actually tried to pull a stunt like this while she was asleep.

"She's not supposed to be with you!" He shouted loudly in both of their faces. Be with me? What does he even mean by that?

Zoe pulled Madison closer to her, just to make sure that he wouldn't try anything.
"God Kyle, you're such a brat!" Madison started to cling onto her body as she spoke those words intensely.

"You can't even live with me hanging out with someone else!"

"Yes I can! I totally can! I just don't feel comfortable with you hanging out with her so often! It's like you've completely forgotten that I'm your boyfriend??"

She rolled her eyes as Madison covered her ears with her hands in a sensitive manner. She hated when people yelled. Especially when it was about her. Her parents had argued over her one too many times, and she hated it with a passion. She found it to be not necessary, and it pained her that she had caused such a ruckus throughout the house.

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