one shot

393 15 38

It's been brought to my attention By a fellow reader that this one shot goes well with the song please never fall in love again by ollie mn and miss girl is onto something anyways if you wanna listen to it while reading then be my guest Anyways carry on

The brunette tightens the towel around her bare body, and she steps out of the shower and onto the fuzzy carpet. The second she opens the bathroom door, her girlfriend is standing at the foot of their bed with an eager smile and a hairbrush in hand.

She can't help the gentleness that overtakes her body, and when she steps into the bedroom the feeling grows even larger.

The light that illuminates in their bedroom makes the water droplets on her shoulders glisten softly.

"I don't think I'll ever understand why you like brushing my hair so much."

Madison's face pulls into a pout, and she brings herself to sit down on their shared bed.

"Since when did you ask so many questions? Get dressed and sit down." Her tone was assertive, but playful nonetheless. She heads over to the dresser drawer and pulls out an oversized t-shirt and some underwear before giving Madison a long glance.

"Aren't you gonna turn around?"

Madison snorts.

"What, like it's anything I haven't seen before?" Zoe tilts her head in a 'not very funny' type of way, and the blonde scoffs before turning her back towards her.

She drops the towel to the ground, and proceeds to get dressed in her laid back pajamas.

"You can turn around now." Madison turns her head back to face her, and motions Zoe to sit down in front of her on their bed.

With a sarcastic eye roll, she does as told and it's not long before she's met with Madison's signature smell.

Her hands meet Zoe's waist, and her cheeks tingle in response to the warm touch. Madison leans forward and rubs her nose into Zoe's hair with a short sniff.

"Your hair smells good," She mumbles against the back of her head before pressing a soft kiss to it.

"I used your shampoo," She watches Madison in their closet mirror and gives her a smirk, until she's met with a sharp pain on her side. She yelps and snaps her head back to her girlfriend, only to find out she pinched her- on purpose.

"How was your day today?" She asks Madison while she begins to slowly run the brush through her tangled hair.

"Hmm, good. could've been better earlier on, but it's good now." Zoe feels an eruption of small butterflies in her stomach lining, and she leans further back into Madison to be closer to her.

"And what about you Benson?" A faint smile pulls at her lips, and subconsciously her fingers begin to trace delicate circles on the skin of Madison's thigh; almost like she's done it thousands of times before.

"My day? Average. Especially now, considering the circumstances." They make eye contact in the mirror, to which Madison rolled her eyes at.

"Very cute." She spoke sarcastically. The hairbrush pulls through her hair smoothly, and Zoe continued to stare at her girlfriend's face through the mirror. Her eyebrows knitted together in concentration, and her lips pursed as she continued to brush.

"Do you like brushing my hair because you like seeing the back of my head instead of the front of my face?" She titled her head back to look up into Madison's eyes, and her eyes crinkled into a smile while she laughed.

She pushed the back of Zoe's head upright again with her hand and continued through the maze of tangles.

"Because... It gets quiet. Not everything is so loud anymore and it's just you and me."

Zoe can't seem to resist the urge to tilt her head back again, and she finds herself giving a cheeky remark in a serious conversation.

"If you wanted to get me alone you could've just said the words," This time Madison nudges her hard in her side, and she winces- knowing it was well deserved.

Eventually she finishes in silence, and she wears a proud smile on her face while admiring the finished product. She sets the brush down, but before she can move off the bed Zoe stops her with her voice.

"Hey," The word is gentle when it comes out, and Madison turns to face her. Zoe twists her body so she can fully face Madison, and leans closer to drape her arms around her neck.

"I like spending alone time with you too." It's easy for her ears to turn a bright pink when she says this, especially under the blonde's green eyes.

"Even if you're elbowing me in the side.... I still wouldn't want it to be anyone else." Madison's smile reaches her eyes, and her green orbs have that gentle glisten that it does when she gets happy or excited.

"What a heartwarming compliment," She teases, but Zoe pulls away nonetheless with an annoyed eye roll. The blonde giggles, and pulls her back into her the second she tries to leave.

"I'm messing with you." The words come out of her mouth in a playful whisper, and she returns the hug by wrapping her arms securely around her waist.

Madison presses a slow kiss to Zoe's lips, and Zoe returns it with the same rhythm. Although it's hard to ignore the familiar pounding in her chest due to her crazed heart, she manages.

They pull away at the same time, but Zoe is the first to say it.

"I love you,"

"I love you." Madison repeats, but in a different tone. She tangles her nimble fingers into Zoe's freshly brushed hair, and gives Zoe a look. Before she can say anything, Zoe interrupts her.

"Yes Mads, you still have to make dinner." Madison groans audibly, and releases herself from Zoe's grip.

"I'm gonna spit in your food."

"Sure you will."

i made this because i miss them very much tonight and to hold off the people who actually want a sequel because i cant promise one but anyways i'm going to edit this in the morning Or.... Never anyways enjoy fluff i wrote a 1400k+ one shot that had angst but i deleted it cause fluff is easir also sorry this is bad Yikes it's 1 am

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