Chapter 4

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*Luke's P.O.V*

The ringing of the school bell to signal the start of second period echoed through the now vacant corridors. My head spun desperately around and I was hit with the sudden realisation that everyone else was already in class.

As fast as I humanly could, I ran to my locker to fetch my textbook and then rushed to my history classroom. I may have been scolded by a teacher somewhere along the way, but it wasn't like I cared much anyways.

I hovered nervously by the door for a moment, before knocking on it softly and stepping inside. Thirty or so eyes snapped up and fixed on me, burning holes in my cheeks. As the teacher also registered my presence, it came to my realisation that my usual seat at the back of the room had been taken and the only empty space was next to a curly haired boy I didn't know.

"It's nice of you to finally join us Hemmings, please take a seat next to Irwin," the teacher mumbled in a monotone voice, not removing his gaze from the stack of papers on the desk in front of him. I dragged my feet behind me as I fumbled through the desks, collapsing into the chair and sighing loudly.

"As I was saying, today you will be starting on the project I explained last week," the man went on, his lack of attention towards the class abundantly clear. "It's due in two weeks and you will be working with your partner. If you fail to complete it in time, then you can do it in detention."

"Hi, my name is Ashton," someone rambled cheerfully from beside me, and I turned to face my partner. When he smiled he flashed his dimples, and I then noticed that he was actually rather attractive.

"Oh uh-" I mumbled, "Luke."

"Nice to meet you, Luke," he replied quickly. Something about his tone and the way he strung the words together so fluently was a little suspicious, as though the speech had been planned and practiced repeatedly.

I had no way of proving this, however, and pinned the blame on my nerves getting the better of me. Group projects never ended well when I was involved. For the remainder of the lesson I kept to myself, running straight for the door the moment it finished. I was disappointed to discover I had been beaten there, and the situation suddenly took a turn for the worst.

"In a rush, are we?" The oldest of the small group of boys spoke bitterly, a smirk plastered on his face.

Stay calm Luke, I thought to myself, trying to ignore them.

"Let me past," I hissed a little, attempting to push through. This failed, as one of them grabbed my wrist and threw me at a wall, my back smacking into the concrete. A sudden shooting pain in my shoulder caused me to cry out, but before I could retaliate I was shoved to the ground and kicked several times in my side.

"Leave him alone," I heard a hesitant yet determined voice speak above me, and I craned my neck to watch as Ashton's fist hit one of them in the dead centre of his face.

I smiled sheepishly to myself from the floor, it was a good punch.

The older boy staggered back in shock at the attack, but his anger was now apparent as he then kicked Ashton much harder in the stomach with his knee. Ashton fell backwards, face pale and desperate to avoid vomiting his breakfast onto the floor.

Having been so focused entirely on them, I failed to notice that the attention had been temporarily driven away from me. At this realisation, I scrambled to my feet and ran for the door.

I felt someone reach for my ankle, but they missed, causing me to stumble but not fall. I looked back to see a foot raised above Ashton's head, and I turned away just as I heard him scream.

Moments later I was limping away from the classroom, clutching at my shoulder. I couldn't help but wince at the pain, and I bit down hard on my bottom lip in an attempt to hide it. As I became aware that this was failing miserably and there wasn't currently anyone else in the corridor anyway, my stumbles turned into a sprint, racing towards the boys toilets.

Ignoring my agony was difficult but my desperation to be alone was motivational enough, and I was relieved to find the room empty. There I slid down the wall and began to sob.

It was the first time I had cried since that night all those months ago, where Calum had changed me. I was terrified, clueless as to what was going to happen next and how my life would change. Looking back, I had every right to be scared, because I lost everything that night.

Despite my attempts not to, I couldn't help but recall Ashton having helped me. I didn't understand what reason he possessed to need to involve himself, especially for someone he had known for little under an hour. It appeared that of the two of us, he had come off worst, but why did he do it?

From the moment my blood had run cold and heart stopped mid-beat, not once had I felt a single feeling of compassion towards another living being. Yet right now, every bone in my body and every corner of my mind was filled with an overwhelming sense that I had to put it right.

Before I was fully aware of what I was doing, my feet were leading me towards the medical room, a little past the main classrooms. I trusted my instincts that the other boys would've left the moment I did, given it was me they wanted and not Ashton, and it would've been vital for him to receive immediate medical attention.

When I walked in, I saw Ashton lying rather uncomfortably on a bed, the weight from his body crumpling the thin layer of sheets beneath him. A nurse was tending to his injuries, cleaning the multiple wounds on his face.

As our eyes first met, he jolted up from the bed, despite the young nurses attempts to keep him still. "Luke I-"

I didn't allow him to finish, however. "I'm so sorry Ashton, I ran away. It was a stupid move because I chose the easy way out, even though I could have stopped them." I paused for a moment, "should have."

"No," he shook his head, flinching as the nurse reached for his face once again, "this isn't your fault."

To say Ashton's face was in a bad way would be an understatement, a prominent purple bruise on his cheek was impossible not to notice, and multiple gashes along his forehead were still leaking blood. My stomach growled a little and I subconsciously licked my lips at the prospect, knowing I had to distance myself before I did anything rash.

So once Ashton was cleaned up and seemingly in higher spirits, the nurse moved over to me. Although she insisted I was checked over, I refused and left without another word.


A/n: Not the nicest chapter I'm afraid :( but Ashton stood up for Lukey and I'm happy

Thanks for reading xx

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