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*4 years later*

"The black is fading again," Ashton observed, combing his fingers gently through Luke's almost greyish hair, "are you gonna let me help you re-dye it this time?"

"Don't touch the hair!" Luke laughed, swatting his boyfriend's hands away and snuggling up against his side. "You know, I was thinking that I should let it go back to blond. Since it's been so long since you saw my natural hair."

"Really?" Ashton exclaimed excitedly, staring into Luke's blue eyes - since he stopped wearing coloured contacts - and biting down on his lip with happiness, "I've been waiting ages to see your natural hair again!"

"Hmm," Luke hummed thoughtfully, closing his eyes.

Ashton rested his head on his boyfriends shoulder. "I love you Luke. I know I say it a lot, but I never thought I could ever love someone this much."

"I love you too Ashton," Luke said seriously as his eyes fluttered open again, "and I wanna prove it."

A minute later he was on one knee on the floor below Ashton, and he took a deep breath before looking lovingly at the beautiful boy.

"Ashton Fletcher Irwin. I have loved you since the day I first laid eyes on you, and despite knowing how dangerous it was for both of us I just couldn't stay away. I felt drawn to you, like you were meant to change my life, and I don't know where I would be right now if you hadn't."

He paused and chuckled softly.

"Will you marry me?"


*6 years later*

Luke adjusted his tie before nervously running his fingers repeatedly through his now blond hair.

"Calm down mate," Calum said as he patted his back reassuringly, "you look great. Now hurry up and get in the car or we're gonna be late."

The two nodded at each other knowingly before climbing into the taxi at the end of the garden. Him, Calum, Ashton, and Michael had bought the house together after their victory, as it was the safest way for them to all live happily. Their families and friends had grown worryingly suspicicious, so after months of arguing, laziness, panicking, silence and even some crying, the four had moved in together.

'Malum,' as Luke liked to call it, had become much closer since Calum had mentioned that Michael was his boyfriend, but to everyone's annoyance the couple had yet to become engaged. However Luke had no doubt that it would happen eventually and did his best to encourage both his best friends.

"I've waited so long for this day," Luke smiled at Calum as the taxi set off towards the church (the formal wedding was a joint decision).

"I know. And so has Ashton, he loves you a lot Luke, you're perfect for each other."

They sat there in silence with wide grins plastered on their faces all the way to the church. When they arrived, it turned out that Michael had arrived with Ashton not long before and everyone was already seated inside.

Calum swung open the door and stood beside Luke as they started down the aisle. As neither had wanted to be the 'bride' of the relationship, it had been decided on the flip of a coin, and since Luke had lost it was agreed that he would be the one to walk down the aisle.

The music started playing softly and Luke's eyes immediately caught those of Ashton's. His hair was brushed perfectly to the side and Luke came to the conclusion that nothing could ever be more attractive than his soon-to-be husband in a suit.

Ashton smiled shyly and turned to Michael who stood right beside him, leaving Luke to scan the crowd for familiar faces as he made his way towards the front. He couldn't help but notice that most were those of vampires, friends of his that he had met all those years ago when the council had reformed. Luke spotted Jake and Alex sat in the front row, next to his parents and brothers. He had allowed them to come to the wedding since they had all demanded entrance to see him get married, but made sure they first agreed never to try and contact him again afterwards. Luke hated the fact he was having to do that to his family, but it was the only way.

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