Chapter 6: The Suit

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Thom used his bike to go the company.

T-1000 told him Jeffrey wanted to meet him in the laboratory of the building. Which was also in the basement. Thom had something with making labs in the basement. So he parked his bike next to the door and went into the building.

He walked over to the elevator and went inside. Pushing the button to go down. Afterwards he was in the basement.

The basement was also filled with gadgets and various scientists worked there. And there was also a giant electric reactor inside it. The same one as Thom gave to the school except bigger.

But the scientists where gone and Jeffrey stood before the reactor.

‘Thom I’m glad you could come. Let’s talk’ he said, making a gesture for Thom to come over to him. And Thom did so, and he asked ‘what is it Jeffrey, evidently it was urgent.’

‘Yes it is,’ Jeffrey said placing his arm around Thom and pointing at the reactor ‘you see this amazing technology. You build this, you and your old man god bless his soul, and now you decided to stop helping the world.’

Thom loosened himself from Jeffrey and took a few steps back. He knew where this was going.

‘Jeffrey my decision is final I will not reopen the weapons department. Who knows how many lives are destroyed due to it’ he said. Jeffrey smiled and gave Thom a pat on the shoulder ‘buddy if it weren’t for you there would be great war right now if the military did not have your weapons.’

Thom walked away from Jeffrey, taking a few steps further to the railing that blocked the reactor.

‘It was a suggestion from you to start making weapons and Hendrik gave me support but I said only the military has rights to the weapons. But somehow Hollaider got his hands on it. How did that happen Jeffrey.’

Boldwin raised his shoulders ‘I don’t know.’

Thom walked past Jeffrey ‘the weapons will not be made. The military will have to make due without and I already made Hendrik tell them no more. I don’t want people to see my name before they get shot, what kind of legacy is that, that I will tarnish the name of my father, my mother and my sister. So the answer is no Jeffrey, I’m sorry but that is how it has to be.’

Thom left the lab, leaving behind Jeffrey with his arms crossed.

As Thom prepared to walk out of the building the receptionist said ‘oh Mr. Mandark your lift is here to pick you up.’

Thom looked up surprised ‘I didn’t order a lift’ he said. The receptionist just raised her shoulders.

And Thom curiously stepped outside, being surprised at what he sees.

There was a man before a black Porsche. He wore glasses, a gray suit, had a slightly bald head and looked typically not Dutch. It was a known face.

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