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Alternatively titled: The Dragon

(Also alternatively titled: wow, I actually wrote something)


Give me the story of a lover destroyed: the one with your ghost still at the bottom of my stairwell; the one with the tea-black-with-two-sugars-please; the one with Mendelssohn at 2 am. 

                 The one where the dragon tries to move on and burns himself. And you're the prince that shouldn't be allowed passing, or maybe you're the hero; sharp weapons, superiority, superior: I lose. The one where I never stood a chance.

                                                                     (There's a cut on the inside of your right thumb; white scar; mark of another time: [without me])

     Give me the one where you're back; the one of words unspoken, a burning touch of your hands on my forearm, the one with the betrayal that can't be forgotten: the one where I don't know if you've won or I've lost, and none of it matters anyway.

       Then give me the gun and the self destruction; give me the fresh bullet wound near your heart, mine on my shoulder: we match [poetry is written about that]


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