chapyer 12

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3 weeks later Tom

Me and tord went out to eat today we were sitting down waiting for our food to come when a woman came up to us and looked at us "umm I'm sorry can you like leave" she asked obviously Furious "and may I ask why" i asked angry "Gays are not welcome here" she said "oh ummm im sorry but do you work here" i asked "no" she said "then how do you know that we are not welcome" i said like a smartass the woman left stoping off then a kid came up too us " papa said loving the same gender is wrong but you look so happy" the yound girl said happly " some peoplw dont like it but you dont have too just because your farther doesn't" tordy said as the little girl happliy ran off to find her mom and dad we finshed eating and left. When we got home it was only 8 so me and tordy played for a little. " baby its time for a bath ok" i said looking at tord picking him up " ok daddy." Tordy said wrapping his arms around my neck. I kissed his cheek and he let of a soft giggle " you been so good baby how about tomarrow after school we go to the park and we can have your favorit dinner. I said proud of my little tordy. " SO WE GET TOO HAVE. (INSTERT NORWEGIAN FOOD CAUSE I CAN SPELL)  " Tordy said happy hugging me tight. "Yep this is your litte reward." I said walking to the bathroom. "Thank you daddy" tordy said hugging me again "your welcome baby now is the water too cold or too hot" i asked as the tub started to fill with water. Tordy put his hand in and pulled it back out " a little hwotter plweas" he said really happy i can tell he is in a much beter mood when i tould him about his little reward. I truned the water up a little more when the tub was full tord got in slowly trying not to get water everywhere. I got the shampoo and started to rub it in his hair i know how much he loves me to bathe him its one of his favorite things for me too do. I got the cup we keep on the bathroom and filled it woth water "closes your eyes baby" i said looking down at him seeing if he shut his eyes when he did i pored the watter over his head getting all the shampoo out. After his bath i dryed him off and got him dressed. I forget how cyte he looks when his hair is so frizzy and messy its cute " ok do you want to watch a movie now or wtach some tv with me." I asked "ummmmmmm TV with you" tirdy said walking out thr bathroom with me.

Wow ok tjat took way too long sorry it took so long

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