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Natasha Romanoff

I sip my coffee warily. 

Someone is watching me. I can feel their stare burning into the back of my head. I slide my knife out of my boot, waiting for an attack. 

Then it goes away.

I guess I am unrecognizable in blonde hair. 

Breathing a small sigh of relief, I return my attention to more pressing matters. 

The Avengers. 

The Sokovia Accords tore us apart. Personally, I sided with what I thought was logical. 

And bound not to get us killed.

Tony surprised me. So did Steve. Tony, usually a rule breaker, actually listened to reason, for once. 

Steve, well, he went with his instinct. His instinct is usually right, but not exactly logical. More of an ethical assumption. He does what he thinks is right (which it usually is), but it isn't always. At least not in this case. 

You could say that makes him dangerous.

Doesn't necessarily mean  it was. Or he is. 

Well, that worked out. 

The last time I talked to Tony, or Steve, seems like forever. 

My thoughts are interrupted by my coffee cup floating off its saucer. I smirk. 

"Come on, pull up a chair."

The coffee cup clinks, floating back down to its plate. Not a drop spills. 

Wanda Maximoff sits beside me. Her hair is now a nice, light, orange-brown auburn color. 

Wanda seems more confident, more sure of herself. Her smile lights up the area. She has become more and more of a sister to me.

"So, what have you been up to?" She says, stirring her sugar packet into her tea. 

Her accent is nearly gone. 

"Not much." I reply, taking another sip of my coffee. "Don't look now. Ross's agents coming up behind us." 

Wanda nods. She flicks her wrist, and the empty sugar packet goes flying across the room.

Ross's agents don't even see us.

I guess a small town cafe in Brooklyn is not where Black Widow and Scarlet Witch would hang out. 

"You seen Steve lately?" Wanda asks coolly. 

My throat tightens, but I keep a calm facade. 

"No. Haven't seen anyone." I put my coffee down with a loud CLANK. 

Wanda gives me a sly smile. 

"Well, Vis is outside. He's waiting."

As if on cue, Vision phases through the sturdy brick wall of the cafe and waves innocently. 

Wanda widens her eyes and makes an annoyed, urgent motion. Vision takes the hint and passes back through the wall. 

Luckily, the cafe is pretty empty, and the only person who saw Vision was a little boy tugging at his babysitter's shirt. 

"Paula!!! LOooOoOk!!" He says, poking her furiously. 

"Sit down, Jamie. You're making people stare," she mutters, looking back at her phone.



I smile into my coffee. Wanda snickers, stirring cream into her drink. 

"Well, I guess we better get going," she says. 

"I guess we should."

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