Chapter 2

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Next Morning

I woke up in Jimin's arms and when I checked what time it was I tried to get up only to be pulled back down.

Jimin: Lay back down kitten.
Y/N: But daddy your going to be late! And today I'm coming with you. Did you forget?

I gave him my kitty eyes and he sighed kissing my forehead.

Jimin: Of course I didn't forget kitten. I just want to spend more time cuddling with you.
Y/N: Awwwww your so sweet.

He laughs and gets up to chose my outfit.

Jimin: Kitten go shower and change into this while I get breakfast ready

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Jimin: Kitten go shower and change into this while I get breakfast ready.

I nod and go shower. When I finish I dry my hair and straighten it curling the ends of it. I don't wear makeup since Jimin says I don't need it. I change and go downstairs to see Jimin waiting at the table for me to eat.

Jimin: Come eat kitten.

When we finish eating I offer to clean the kitchen while he goes to shower and get ready. Later he comes back wearing a black dress shirt with black ripped skinny jeans and combat boots with a leather jacket.

Jimin: Ready to go kitten?
Y/N: Yes daddy. *smiles*
Jimin: Gosh your so fucking cute!

He kisses my forehead, cheeks, chin, and then my lips. He takes my hand and we go outside to his car and he opens the door for me to get in. The ride to his company was quiet. But a comfortable silence. When we get there he gets out and opens the door for me while taking my hand for me to step out. I thank him and he throws his arms around my waist pulling me close and we start walking towards the building. When we enter everyone starts to greet Jimin and me. I then hear a familiar yell.

Rosé: Y/N!!

She comes running towards me and hugs me I hug her back. We became really close after Jimin got me.

Y/N: Rosé how are you I missed you!

She laughs and pets my cat ears.

Rosé: I'm sorry I've been busy. *pouts*
Y/N: Where are Jisoo, Lisa, and Jennie?
Rosé: There not here yet. But they will be in a few hours.
Jimin: I hate to break this up but can I have my kitten back?

Rosé glares at Jimin then the three of us break out into laughter. We say goodbye to Rosé and me and Jimin head to his office. When we get there he goes and sits on his chair getting on his laptop and typing away. I sit on the couch and play on my phone until I feel that I need to go to the bathroom.

Y/N: Daddy I'm going to the bathroom.
Jimin: Be careful kitten.

I leave his office and head for the bathroom when I finish and leave the bathroom I bump into someone. It's Katy. Whenever I come with Jimin to the company she always glares at me and makes disgusted faces. I try to be nice to her but she doesn't seem to care. I try again.

Y/N: Oh I'm sorry Katy. I didn't see you.
Katy: Hmm it's fine kitty cat.

She goes into the bathroom and I go back to Jimin's office. And sit back down and I start to text with Rosé.

Rosé: Hey Y/N! Are you busy or do you want to join me and the girls for lunch?
Y/N: Hi. I'm not busy I'll go see you guys in a bit. :)

End of convo.

Y/N: Daddy I'm going to go eat with Rosé and the girls.
Jimin: I'm almost finished with this part I'll meet you guys there in a bit.

I walk towards the cafeteria and see my four best friends sitting at a table. Jennie sees me and tell the others. They all run up and come hug me.

Jisoo: It's been a while since we've all hung out together.
Y/N: I know we should go out this weekend!
Lisa: I totally agree.

We go sit down and eat lunch while we were eating I felt someone bump into my chair from behind and juice spilled down my white shirt. I gasp and see that the girls are glaring at the person behind me. I turn to see that Katy is holding an empty cup smirking.

Katy: I'm sorry Y/N I didn't see you there.
Lisa: OK! Listen here you bitch—
Katy: Mr. Park let me explain—
Jimin: Explain what?! That you purposely spilled juice on my kitten's top?!

Jimin's POV
After I finish my paperwork I go to the cafeteria to meet up with the girls. As I was entering I see one of my employees spill juice on Y/N's shirt. I run over and start yelling. I look at my kitten and see her covering her chest area since her bra is now visible. I take off my jacket and put it around her.

Jimin: Sis your in charge. I'm going to take my kitten home and stay with her for the rest of the day.
Rosé: Ok I'll see you later.
Jennie: Bye!
Lisa: Bye!
Jisoo: Bye!

I keep Y/N wrapped around in my jacket until we get inside the car. I start driving towards our house and turn to look at Y/N. She's crying. I don't like seeing my kitten cry. When we arrive home I get out and go over to her side and pick her up bridal style carrying her inside. I go to our room and sit her down on the bed. I tell her to put up her arms so I can change her clothes. I change her into one of my hoodies that looks like a dress on her.

Jimin: Kitten why are you crying?
Y/N: W-Why doesn't Katy like me?! I try so hard to be nice and she doesn't even put in the effort to try to get along with me!
Jimin: It's ok kitten she's just a mean person that's all.

I sit down and pick her up and place her on my lap and start caressing her hair.

Y/N: I'm sorry I made you leave work early daddy.
Jimin: It's not your fault kitten. I would rather spend the day with you then work. Now go to sleep.

She snuggles her head in my chest and falls asleep after a while.

Authors Note
Sorry for any errors

Daddy's Hybrid Park Jimin x Hybrid ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now